Chapter 14

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Tin gasped awake when water was thrown in his face, he tried to move but found his hands above his head in demon chains and was hanging from them. The knife in his back was gone and he felt like his wound had been stitched up. He felt weak from the blood loss and needed to get to the royal doctor before going after Lucian.

He looked around the room to see it looked like one of the torture chambers in the movies. Racks of whips, knives, chains and these weird look tools were all over the walls that he could see.

"I've never had the pleasure of killing a demon prince." The hunter said picking up a horse whip from a rack.

"And you never will" he said making the hunter chuckle.

"You must have lost a lot of blood since you think you are getting out of here alive."

"If you do manage to kill me you won't live long since my cousins, one of them being the King will hunt you down and destroy you."

"I look forward to teaching the abominations that they are no match for me." He said before he began whipping Tin.

Can woke up in a cold, damp and foul smelling dungeon with the only light coming from the jail cell door. He felt his child kick him and placed a hand on his belly to soothe it.

"I don't like this either little one" he said before he got himself up. He moved to the door to look around but immediately backed away when Lucian appeared.

"Where's Tin and my mother?" He asked.

"Your mother is where I left her" he said. "As for Tin, I'm hoping he's being tortured before the hunter kills him."

"You piece of shit, you ruined your own life by setting a building on fire and almost killing someone, all Tin did was save the guy and told on your ass since you wouldn't do the right thing." Can said making Lucian growl at him.

"If he would have kept his mouth shut then my father wouldn't have beaten me every day till he was too weak and old to do it and I wouldn't have been a disappointment to my mother."

"You think this would make them proud of you, killing two members of the royal family and kidnapping a pregnant guy." Can counteracted.

"I no longer care what they think." He said. Can knew he was lying and no matter what he couldn't hide that fact.

"Then why not let the past go and start over, you could find someone to love and settle down, maybe have some kids and let all this hatred go." This was all bullshit since this monster deserves to die a horrible death.

"Do all humans talk as much as you do?" He said before pushing through the hole for food a wrapped up sandwich and a bottle of water before leaving.

Can didn't touch any of it. He had seen those movies where the capture put drugs or poison in the food or drink and he wasn't going to be one of the fools. He went back to the door and checked how sturdy it was but it was like a brick wall so he went back to the semi dirty mat and lowered himself onto. He was just going to have to wait for either Tin or one of the princes to save him. He just hoped it was soon.

"Where the fuck are they!!!" Tharn yelled at his three cousins that were supposed to be protecting Can. They were in the throne room, Type and all his cousins were here minus Tin trying to figure out where Tin and Can were. He knew that they didn't know anything since they were in a huge fight with Lucian's henchmen but he was still pissed this happened.

"We have our people searching his manors and every realm, we will find them." Win said.

"We also interviewed Can's mom and she told us the whole story and said that inside the portal Lucian took Can in seemed to look like some sort of dungeon. She said that the hunter knocked Tin out then turned into this winged creature and went through the window with Tin in his arms."

"Search everyone manor on the order of the King, I want every dungeon and basement searched." He said to Pick who nodded and bowed his head before leaving. "This should have never been an issue, they should have never been allowed to leave." Tharn said.

"Can is very close to his parents and would have shut down completely if he couldn't see his dad before he died." Type said. "They used that against him and they will pay for it."

"If he loses Tin as well then I hate to think-" Tharn said.

"Then let's not think about that let's just focus on finding them both." Type said reaching out to touch his hand for comfort. Tharn sighed before he turned his gaze to his advisors/cousins.

"Find out about this winged demon hunter." He said. "I want to know everything about him including where he likes to hide out."

"Yes, Your Majesty" Nine said before he and Dean and Korn bowed their heads and left.

"Kong and Win, go clean up the scene at the hospital and make sure Can's mother doesn't talk and is sent home in one piece." He said. Kong and Win bowed their heads before leaving. Tharn really hoped that they wouldn't have to bury two of his family members today.

Can wiped tears from his eyes as his baby tried to comfort him by moving around a lot. His dad was dead and he had no clue if Tin was dead too, he just knew that he was alone and wanted to go home. When everything first happened he had no clue what was going on until things were explained and Lucian came in and everything went to hell.

He needed a plan. He needed a weapon. No, he needed a gun and keys to the door then he would-He jumped a little when a gun and a pair of keys appeared in his hand. He remembered that every chosen one gets a power after they are bonded so his power was object manifestation which is the power to make objects appear with your mind. He set the keys down and checked to see if the gun was loaded and it fortunately was. He grabbed the keys then used the wall to help him stand before going to the door. He checked to see if anyone was coming and when he didn't see anyone he put his hand through the bars and put the key into the keyhole before slowly turning it being very careful not to make too much noise. It unlocked and he smiled before slowly opening the door and thought he was extremely lucky that it didn't creek.

He left the cell and immediately thought of a map to get him out of here and it appeared in his hand. He took a quick look at it and noticed that he was actually in an abandoned prison for demons. He then noticed there was an exit door below him. He quietly but quickly made it to the stairs that led to the level below him and went down them. He hid by the wall as he heard voices coming down the hall he needed to go down. He saw some barrels in front of him and quickly moved to hide behind them. He waited for them to pass before he headed down the hall then rushed to the door as quietly as he could. He all but threw the door open and noticed the sun was about to go down, he looked out and didn't see anyone so he quickly made a run for it.

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