Chapter 13

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I'm giving you a big WARNING on this because it has some fucked up shit in here. No rape just fucked up if you don't like blood or violence then I suggest skipping some of it or reading one of my other books

Tin put his arm around Can as Can looked out of the window of the SUV they were currently in. After getting both Tin and Can's stuff together plus Korn, Dean and Nine's stuff they all were headed to Bangkok Hospital where Can's mother and father were. He was glad he wasn't driving because he was so nervous to meet Can's parents. He had heard plenty of stories about them and they seemed like nice humans but he wasn't sure how they would react to him being there with Can. He definitely wanted them to like him but understood that they probably wouldn't because in their eyes he took Can from them.

Tin was pulled from his thoughts when Dean who was sitting on the other side of him tapped his shoulder.

"We should be there in about five minutes." Dean said. Tin nodded and was going to go back into his thoughts but Korn who was riding shotgun had other ideas.

"Are you nervous to meet your in-laws?"

"A little" he lied.

"You are such a shitty liar" Korn said.

"Fuck off" Tin said. "I know for a fact that you would be just as nervous if you had to meet your mate's parents."

"Can you both shut up I'm trying to concentrate." Nine said. Tin looked over at Can who was too busy staring at the window with a blank look to realize what was going on around him. He took his hand finally breaking Can out of his thoughts to look at him before he kissed his hand.

"Everything is going to be okay" he said. Can moved so he was comfortably leaning against his body before leaning his head on his shoulder.

"I hope so" he said. They sat in silence till they got to the hospital then they all got out and headed inside. Can texted his mother asking what room he was in and she replied 203. That was on the second floor so they took an elevator to get there, they walked out and went in search of 203. They finally found it and Tin and Can went inside while the others stood guard outside.

Tin watched as Can hugged his mother before he checked on his sleeping father. He then turned to Tin before telling his mother who he was.

"Mother this is Tin, my boyfriend and father of my kid" Can said. "Tin, this is my mother May" Tin stepped forward and waied but his mother just looked at him with a look of anger and annoyance. He started to get the feeling like she wasn't expecting him to show up with Can.

"Mom, I won't stand for you to disrespect my boyfriend, say hello back." Can said before his mother wai to him. As Can and May talked about Can's dad he started to get the feeling like something was about to happen. He moved to secure the room and as he got to the bathroom he froze when a gun was pointed at his head.

"Don't freaking move, you filth" The man said. The guy was six foot, with dark brown hair and brown eyes, he had a thick beard and a muscular body that was covered in leather with guns and bullets strapped to it and the one defining thing was that he had a tattoo on his neck of a cross. He knew that cross anywhere, this man was from a religious group that hunted demons. Some say that a witch gave them powers to help hunt and kill demons to help balance out nature. Tin didn't give a crap about that only that this man was in a room with him and his mate. He had a strong suspicion that his in-laws were in on whatever was going on here. The guy told him to put his hands up and back up slowly which he did.

"What the hell is going on here?" Can said.

"We just wanted you back son" his dad said now suddenly awake.

"We made this plan to get you out but we had to move up the deadline when you sent us the pregnancy announcement." His mother said. "We found this guy online and he said he would help get you out and take care of the evil demon holding you."

"Don't worry about that demon baby, we know a guy who will get it out for you."

"Oh hell no, you are not killing my boyfriend or my baby." Can said. "Tin gave me a chance to leave and I chose to stay because I love him so tell this asshole to put his gun down before I scream for help."

An evil laugh filled the room but no one saw where it came from. All of a sudden a familiar face walked through the closed door. Tin growled and would have leapt forward to kill the guy if a gun wasn't pointed to his head and Can wasn't in the room.

"Hello Tin" Lucian said without bowing.

"What are you doing here?" Tin asked.

"You didn't really think that these two pathetic humans were behind this did you?" He said. "No, I've been planning this since I first met your mate at that disgrace of a king's birthday. I came to his parents and promised them I would get their precious baby back." He said in a mocking tone.

"I was the one who hired the demon hunter and told him to post that ridiculous ad so that they would see it." He said. "I was the one who planned the whole charade of faking a heart attack."

Lucian walked as he talked till he reached Can, Tin tried to lunge at him but the hunter quickly stabbed him in the back with a giant knife making him scream and hit the floor on his knees.

"TIN!!" Can screamed before trying to get to him. Lucian grabbed him by the neck and pushed him back into a chair.

"Don't you want to hear the rest of the story?" He asked Can. Can spit in his face before trying to kick him in the balls. Lucian backhanded him across the face before he could making everyone yell in outrage minus the demon hunter.

"I will kill you!!" Tin said trying to stand up but was forced back down by the hunter.

"I don't think so, I'm here for my revenge" he said. "You ruined my life and now I'm going to ruin yours, how you might add, well I'm going to kill you then I will not only kill your bastard baby but torture and rape then kill your mate" Tin roared in outrage.

"That wasn't the plan" Can's dad said. Lucian lifted a finger and made a horizontal line through the air making a large cut in Can's dad's neck. Blood poured out of it making Can's dad gurgling blood as his eyes widened. Can and his mother screamed in horror but there was nothing they could do as they watched him die.

"You will regret the day you were born, I'll make sure of it." Tin growled feeling weak from the blood loss.

"I'm pretty sure you won't live long enough to do that." He said before snapping his fingers and making Can go unconscious.

"Make sure he suffers before you kill him." Lucian said to the hunter before he summoned a portal. He lifted Can up with ease then went through the portal. Tin tried to get to him but was hit over the head and was knocked out.

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