Chapter 7

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Warning Sexual Content (I think I'm going to stop doing this if you have read the other book you know that there will be sex scenes in every book.)

Tin watched from the doorway as Can talked to his human therapist on the computer. It had been a week since Can told him he wanted to trust him and since then they had gotten him the help that he needed and he started acting more open to him. He wasn't sure it was trust but it was slowly getting there. While Can was getting better he was getting worse, it had now been about three weeks since he fed and his body was shutting down Nosebleed and now throwing up blood was the new norm and he knew that one more week of this and his organs would fully shut down. He needed to tell Can but he was just too damn scared.

He became lightheaded and moved out of the doorway of the newly built library and stumbled along till he got to the gaming room which was far enough from the library that he wasn't scared of Can finding out his secret. Dean, Pick, Nine and Kongpob were playing tag team pool when he walked in.

"Don't tell Can" Tin said.

"What are you-" Kongpob said before Tin's eyes rolled up in the back of his head. Dean who was closest immediately jumped into action and caught Tin before he hit the floor.

"What the hell?" Pick said as the moved to help Dean get Tin to the couch.

"Shit, how long has it been since he has fed?" Nine asked.

"Long enough that his body is shutting down." Kongpob said as they tried to wake him up. "I'm guessing he was trying to wait till Can trust him but the fool is going to die before that.

"Tin's going to die!!" A familiar voice said from the entrance of the game room. They all looked up at a shocked Can.

"How much of that did you hear?" Nine asked.

"He was waiting for me to trust him but was going to die before I did." Can said. Tin gasped awake before puking up blood.

"TIN!!" Can said moving quickly to his side. Halfway to him Pick stopped him. "Move out of my way right now."

"Can, Tin is very sick right now and you need to make a choice." Dean said.

"What are you talking about?" He said. "Move out of the way I-"

"Tin won't tell you but I'm not going to let him die over something easy to fix." Pick said.

"Pick don't, he doesn't want him to know." Kongpob said.

"Fuck that, we could lose him because he's too scared to tell him the truth about who he is." Pick said.

"He's right Kong he needs to know" Dean said.

"What the hell is going on?" Can said frantic to get to Tin. Kong sighed before looking at Can.

"Can, Tin is a succubus" That stopped him from struggling against Pick. "Not the kind that feeds on dreams but the kind that...feeds off sperm." Can's eyebrows went straight up to his hairline he was in shock.

"You need to make a choice on whether you will save his life and let him feed off you or let him die." Kongpob said. Can stared at a weak looking Tin who was trying to push himself up to a sitting position. Thinking about this man dying wasn't an option, he cared for him and so it was an easy choice.

"Please help me get him to our room" Can said not taking his eyes off Tin. The demon princes looked at each other before nodding then helping Tin get to his apartment. They got him into his room then helped set him on his bed, Can thanked them before they left closing the door behind him. Can went to work on getting Tin out of his bloody clothes the wiping him down with a wet wash rag. Tin looked out of it the whole time, mumbling about something he couldn't understand.

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