Chapter 5

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Tin smiled at the closed door that his mate had recently closed. His mate was so cute but had spunk and he adored him for it. As he waited for Can to get out of the shower so he could take one, he thought about what had happened since waking him up. He thought it was adorable that his mate's name is Cantaloupe and how such a cute guy can have such a temper.

He felt liquid drop from nose and reached over to the bedside for a tissue. He wiped his face before noticing it was blood and froze. It's starting. He quickly cleaned himself up when he heard the shower turn off. He needed to keep this hidden from everyone, he wouldn't force Can to do something he wasn't comfortable with. He knew he needed to feed soon or bad things would happen but he wanted Can to trust him and it was just too soon.

He quickly threw the tissues away before the door opened and Can walked out. He smiled and stood up, Can was even cuter with that slightly confused slightly concerned look on his face.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah" he said before he started drying his hair with a towel. Tin's eyes slid down Can's delicious looking body, he wanted to strip him down and lick his body from head to toe before moving up to his- Tin stopped himself and quickly moved to the bathroom and closed the door. He stripped his clothes off and moved to the shower to start it. He was going to need some soap.

Ten minutes later, Tin left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was drying his hair as he walked to his closet when he heard a gulp, it wasn't that loud but he had good hearing as a demon. He looked over to the bed where Can was sitting only to see him quickly look away. He smirked and continued his way to his walk-in closet to get dressed into his pajamas. He was happy that Can liked his half naked body and decided to torture him a little by not wearing a shirt and he might drop his...he dropped his towel as got to the entrance of the walk-in and heard a cute gasp from behind him making him smirk.

He put on some briefs and sweat pants before finishing drying his hair then heading out of the closet to see Can already in bed facing away from him. He threw the towel in the hamper before he went around the bed to his side and climbed into bed. He noticed that Can had fallen asleep and thought he was even cuter when he slept. He hesitated for a second before he leaned over and kissed his forehead.

"Sweet dreams my angel" he said before he laid down not too close but close to feel a little heat from him and fell asleep.

The next morning, Tin woke up to a bit of extra weight on him and found it to be Can, who must have moved in his sleep so that his head was on Tin's shoulder, an arm over his waist and an leg over his. He smiled and without thinking kissed his head, Can stirred a little but then settled down making Tin relax. Tin careful moved him back onto his side of the bed before getting up to relieve himself in the bathroom.

Once he finished he left their bathroom to see Can still asleep and hugging Tin's pillow. Tin's heart melted at the sight. He looked at him and everything just fell into place, every uncertainty just fell away, every insecurity just disappeared from his head and was replaced with Can. He just wanted Can to be happy here and he hoped in time that Can would be with him. He wanted what the other mated couples had which was love and trust and a kid or two. He just had to get Can to fall in love with him and everything he wanted would come true.

Tin went into his walk-in closet and quickly got dressed before being very quiet to leave his bedroom. He went into his kitchen which he hardly uses but keeps stocked in case he does need it and began making breakfast for Can. He chose not to make breakfast in the main kitchen because he didn't want anyone telling him how utterly romantic he was being by making his mate breakfast in bed. If he was being truly honest with himself, he actually wanted to keep Can to him for as long as possible.

Once he was finished and had their food on a large and long tray, he carried it to their bedroom. As he walked in he saw that Can was awake and sitting up rubbing his eyes. When he saw him he looked at the tray then at him and it seemed like he just realized where he was again.

"So it wasn't a dream" Can said. Tin ignored the slice of hurt that caused and moved to the bed.

"No it wasn't" he said. "I was hoping that we could eat together just you and me, the mated couples do that while the others choose to eat together. If you wanted to eat with them then that's fine but I hoped-"

"This is fine, thank you Tin" Can said cutting him off. Can helped him by putting the legs of the tray down so that it could go over their legs. Tin carefully sit down and put it over their legs before they picked up their utensils and began to eat.

"Wow, this is really good" Can said.

"Thank you, learning to cook was one of the things we learned how to do when we first got here." He said.

"How long have you guys been here?" He asked. "Team was the first one in awhile but I'm not sure how long it really has been before he came."

"A little over two centuries" he said making Can's eyes widen.

"I don't understand why your kind didn't attack the village the first year that they didn't send boys."

"Tharn's father was in a war at the time with the angels about this very thing, they thought that demons had had enough boys and should end the contract and the demon king thought otherwise." He said. "Things got out of hand and by the time the war ended a few years before Team showed up, many of our kind and angel kind were killed but we had won. A peace treat was made that said angels cannot interfere with the demon contract or anything that had to do demons unless they do something that could bring chaos to the entire world like trying to take over the world."

Can stopped eating to stare at him in disbelief, they really only wanted to continue their species. It was a little surprising but if they really wanted to take over the world they would have done it already.

"So did you always know about the contract?" He asked.

"No, not until I was sixteen in human years."

"Human years?"

"Demons and humans age differently, in human years I'm twenty seven but in demon years I'm two thousand and seven years old." He said making Can's eyes widen.

"Fuck, you are old!!" he said before quickly covering his mouth with his hand. "I shouldn't have said that, sorry"

"It's fine" Tin chuckled. "Do you have any other questions?"

"Yeah, so you lived here your whole life?"

"When we were old enough to go to school we were sent to the demon world to go to school and after we graduated we got offered a choice whether to stay and go to the elites which is a school for young demons to learn military training, boxing, taekwondo, karate and many others. We all chose to go and after that we stayed until we were summoned. We traded place with our parents in a way, they came to the demon world and we came here and made this our home, changed everything except Win's room, he thinks the old look is cool and we tease him about it all the time." He said.

"You guys are okay with having your choice of who to love taken away?" He asked. "You guys are forced to be with someone who you potentially might not even like and are stuck with them for the rest of your lives."

"We don't see it like that" he said setting down his utensils and turning a little to face him.

"We look at it as getting to be with the person who we were born to be with, we welcome this process and we know that our mates feel that they don't have choices but they don't know that they have more power than us."

"I don't understand that" Can said confused.

"You guys have the power to bring us to our knees." He said. He was hesitant to tell him too much about this but he wanted him to understand them more, he took a deep breath before he continued.

"When our mates show up something inside us clicks and for me it was like every uncertainty every insecurity, every dark thought just faded and now all I want is for you to be happy and I know I can make you happy." He said. Can just stared at him and it was getting to the point where Tin wanted to lean over and kiss him which told him that he needed to break the eye contact. He cleared his throat and looked away before picking up his utensils and began to eat. Human food scratches the itch but he needed to feed his inner demon but Can wasn't ready yet.

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