Chapter 6

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Thank you guys for the help with my villain issues, I have decided not to use Tin's brother as the villain. I still don't know what I will do but I'll figure it out.

Before you get started I wanted to give you a warning about this chapter since it has some physical violence in it so if that ain't your thing then I suggest skipping that part. Also most of this will be Type and Team but there is some TinCan.

I also want to thank Mistress87
for the idea.

Can smiled as he played with Team's son in the backyard. Orion looked like Win but had more of Team's personality. He was the happiest little boy he ever knew and had the most infectious laughter. As he pushed Orion on the swings he thought of the conversation he had a few days ago with Tin. It shocked him when Tin told him what happened when he first saw him. He had never had someone tell him that all their uncertainties, insecurity and dark thoughts went away when he saw him. It was probably the sweetest thing he had ever heard.

Tin wanted to make him happy, he wasn't sure what to do with that. He accepted that he was stuck here but accepting a situation is different than accepting someone's feelings into your heart. He was so badly broken from what Jacob did that he really didn't think he would ever open his heart to anyone. He was just too scared to open himself up again. He couldn't deny that Tin was attractive and sweet and thoughtful and open but he just couldn't let him in.

As he pushed Orion on the swings he didn't notice that Tin was watching him from one of the lounge chairs. Tin smiled at how gentle he was with Orion and how caring he was with him.

"This is the first time I've seen him smile since he got here, he's not the same Can he was when I left." Type said sitting down on the chair next to him. Team moved to Tin's right and sat down on the chair that was empty.

"I agree, he was so open and kind and a little naive and so incredibly loyal and had one of the biggest hearts and now he's got anger and fear in his heart and hardly lets us touch him." Team said.

"He is no longer that person and I'm so angry about it, I am so angry that every time I see his scars I just want to destroy that entire village." Type said.

"I would settle for destroying Jacob and his fucking groupies." Team said. Type growled and shot up from his seat.

"Give me permission to leave, I promise you that I will bring those fuckers to the gates so you could see him before I beat the living shit out of him." Type said to Tin.

"I'll go to, he doesn't like you but he is s cordial with me."

"Your mates would kill me if I let you out." Tin said.

"Tharn wouldn't fucking dare if he wanted to have sex for the next month." Type said.

"Same for Win"

"Let us go and we promise to not only get Jacob but his groupies, we will force them to watch their leader get his ass beat." Type said. Tin looked over at Can as he picked up Orion. He looked at the black eye and he got angry about it all over again.

"Bring them to the gate no matter what, if they lose a body part or piss their fucking pants then so be it, you may go through the gate." He said.

"Thank you" Type said before turning to Team. "I'm so glad our mates are in the shower."

"Same, let's go before they get out." He said before the quickly went around the house. They got to the gate and it immediately opened for them, without hesitation they went through the gate and as they went down the hill they made a plan. They knew Jacob and his groupies worked at Jacobs's family lumber yard so the plan was to kidnap them each one at a time. They would start with the youngest and dumbest Dasher, he worked in a small mobile office as one of the intern accountants. He worked alone in his own office and would be easy to knock out and carry to the gate.

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