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A Month And A Half Later...

Can was so uncomfortable it wasn't even funny. He was currently at the end of his pregnancy and all he wanted was for this baby to come out. He looked freaking huge and he felt huge. His due date wasn't for two more days so it was just a waiting game that Can wasn't enjoying.

"Here you go" Type said as he helped Can down the stairs that led to the apartment. Things have been crazy since he got engaged, there had been wedding planning and fights with Type about how this was his wedding and if he wanted a small wedding instead of a royal wedding then that's what he would get. Can won that fight and now they were having a small wedding in the backyard so that the kids could be there.

He had also been dealing with his mother who kept trying to get in contact with him to apologize for what happened. Can was just too angry about it so he texted his mother saying he was still very angry with her and he just wanted some space. She had agreed and it had been quiet on both parts for awhile. It made him extremely sad that it had to come to this but he knew in the future he would start letting her back into his life.

As for Tin, he's been too busy to help plan some of the wedding since goblins have decided to come out of their lairs and start attacking demon villages. Can tried to get him to stay with him but it was his job to help Tharn find a way to negotiate peace. He promised him that he wouldn't go off and fight in a war if it came to it and he believed him.

Tin was still dealing with it present day which is why he wasn't by his side when he knew he was feeling great today. He pelvis hurt and his stomach was tight and he kept getting braxton hicks which the royal doctor said was perfectly normal and wasn't anything to worry about since braxton hicks weren't a sign of labor.

Can knew he would be back closer to dinner time so he decided, more like Type and Team decided to hang out while the kids were taking a nap to keep him company. They were currently trying to get back to his apartment after a walk around the backyard for some light exercise. They got into the apartment where Type helped him to the couch while Team went to their kitchen to get water for him. They made it half way to the couch when Can felt liquid rush out of him.

"Oh shit" He said. Type looked down and instantly knew what it was.

"Your water broke"

"Oh shit" Can said. He knew he was repeating himself but he was in shock. He wasn't due for another two days, obviously the baby didn't get the memo. Maybe those braxton hicks weren't braxton hicks, they were contraction and they were starting to hurt.

"Okay, we are not going to panic." Type said. "You said you wanted a waterbirth so we need a pool."

"Tin was supposed to set it up on the due date." Can groaned as a contraction hit.

"Can, we need you to make a birthing pool appear since we don't know where the pool is." Type said. After the contraction finished, Can made the birthing pool appear all blown up.

"Team, fill the tube then send a distress signal to Win, I'm going to help Can undress then get him into the pool."

"The new hose we bought is on the counter in the kitchen." Can said as Type helped remove his shirt. Team quickly found the long hose, hooked it to the sink then took the hose to the pool before leaving it in then heading back to turn on the water.

Can took deep breaths like he practiced with Tin as he worked through the pain. He wanted his future husband to be here to help him through this but his friends were a comfort. When the pool was full with warm water where it needed to be, Team turned the water off before he made himself feel like he was in danger.

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