Chapter 16

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So I totally forgot that pregnant mates aren't supposed to go into the demon world. I went back into chapter 12 and changed some things.

Tin wasn't sure if he was dead or alive, all he felt was numbness, he opened his eyes to see he was back in his bed. He looked down at himself to see a only fading scares which means that he's been hear longer than two day since demons heal fast. As he remembered what happened his head snapped up and he started looking around the room for Can. He found him asleep in a cot snuggled up on his pregnancy pillow next to the bed and he relaxed knowing his whole world was okay. The door to his room opened and in walked Team, Type, Pick and Kong. He guessed that Win was put on babysitting duty which was why he didn't come in.

"You're awake!!" Pick said in a semi loud voice making Kongpob hit him over the head.

"If you wake him up I'll make sure you can't go shopping for two weeks." Kongpob said. "We barely got him to go to sleep in the first place."

"He hasn't been sleeping?" Tin said concerned.

"He's been too worried about you to care for himself plus I think he was afraid to get nightmares." Kong said. Tin looked over at a peaceful looking Can before looking back at them.

"How long have I been out?" He asked.

"Almost a week" Team said. "Can hasn't left your side, we brought him meals and finally got him to sleep."

"How is he and the baby?" He asked.

"Took some convincing but we got him to let the royal doctor look over him. He kept saying he was fine but for our peace of mind we wanted him checked." Type said. "The Doc said everything is fine and that the demon killer gun didn't do any damage."

"Demon killer gun?" Tin said confused. They all looked at each other before looking back at Tin.

"Let me just say that your boyfriend is a badass and has balls of steel." Pick said.

"What are you talking about?" Tin asked.

"Well where to begin" Type said. "So your boyfriend has the power to make objects appear with his mind and while locked up he found that out. He made a human gun appear and proceeded to escape until Lucian caught him. He didn't know that human guns can't kill demons so when he shot him-" He said before being interrupted by Tin.

"He shot him?"

"Yes, after that didn't work he made the handgun turn into a gold demon killer gun and killed Lucian with it." Type said. Tin looked at his mate with a whole new level of respect.

"He then came to the demon world-"

"You took him to the demon world, are you out of your minds he's fucking pregnant!!" Tin almost yelled. He quickly looked over to see if he disturbed Can but relaxed when he saw that Can was still asleep.

"He was in the throne room and the war room the whole time and was surrounded by guards and our family, no one was getting to him or the baby." Kong said.

"I don't want him going to the demon world while he is pregnant."

"Noted" Kong said.

"Anyway, we ended up finding the place you were at and Can stubbornly refused to stay where it was safe and only went with us on the condition that he stay out of the mansion till it was safe and we knew you were actually there." Type said.

"That lasted about two minutes till we found out that the hunter was going to kill you and he tried to go in. Tharn stopped him but Can pulled out the gun and pointed it at Tharn." Team said.

"I'm still pissed about that." Type said.

"You would have done the same thing for Tharn so shut up." Team said.

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