3 - Protection

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"what did you call her?"

i turned to see Charles standing behind me and Arthur the other side. The girl takes a step back and looks me up and down. Charles steps forward but i pull him back.

"i can handle my own problems Charles." I whisper in his ear.

She stands rolling her eyes turning her back to me to laugh with her 'friends'.

"you better watch your mouth Schlampe." I spat at her.

She soon lunges at me. We both fall to the floor pulling each other's hair, punching where we can until arthur pulls me off her while i wrap her hair in my fist.I look to my side to see someone taking a video and soon Arthur and Charles see them too. Arthur passes my wrist to Charles who pulls me into the toilet. he sits me down on the side of bath and cleans up the scratch mark that is causing blood to drip down my face.

"You better hope your father doesn't see that video.. or this cut." he'd softly whisper placing his hand on my cheek.

I just nervously laughed trying not to feel anything. i look into his perfect green eyes. Silence soon followed. As he's about to lean in Arthur swings the door open.

"Your dad is going to meurtre (murder) me!" Arthur mutters couching down to my level.

"Fangen Sie besser an, Deutsch zu lernen, Arthur!" i say laughing then grunting at i stretch the wound. (You better start learning German, Arthur!)

"you can stay here tonight i suppose. you can sleep in the spare room." Charles says leaving the room quickly.

As the night goes on, the drinks turn into shots and stupid drinks that practically are only for getting you drunk. The music got louder and me and Arthur had the time of our lives until someone thinks to jump in the pool.

soon everyone follows and strips running into the pool with only underwear. I wouldn't ever do this sober but i had energy like I've never had before. That energy was straight alcohol. As i go to take my dress off, i start to feel lightheaded. Arthur runs and jumps in leaving me behind.

I start feeling more and more dizzy as i struggle to take this dress off. As soon as i manage to get it half off i feel someone pick me up and throw me over their shoulders.

"Are you a boy or a man because you smell so männlich(manly) I'm not complaining-" i mutter before passing out.


I wake up the next morning to find myself not in the spare room. but CHARLES' room.. I quickly look at what I'm wearing to find me wearing his Ferrari 16CL shirt which was the most comfortable thing ever. I try to remember what happened last night then discover I don't. I check again and thankfully underneath the shirt, I was covered.

I lean back in the bed and look next to me and see Charles peacefully sleeping. I place my head in my hands and then hear Charles wake up.

"Omg, I'm so sorry! Wait I just want to be 100%! we didn't do anything right??" I muttered not wanting to say it.

"Don't worry we didn't. don't want to break one of your little rules..!" he says making fun of ME and ARTHURS RULES.

"wait if I'm in your top then you saw me-" I stop myself as I grow into my hands.

"I stopped you before you showed the whole Monaco then I found people in the spare room and you passed out so I changed you out of the clothes you were in as they were covered with drinks and you didn't want me to leave you alone so I stayed and must have fallen asleep." he started to mutter towards the end.

I quickly got up and started to look around for my bag.

"Nelly it's behind you." Charles laughed.

"Ha yeah, so it is!" I laugh nervously.. why am I so nervous?!

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