16 - 'Same Story again.'

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I woke up to a familiar Monegasque who was now practically living with me. We acted like a couple and nobody questioned it. Not even Arthur.

Arthur acts like he doesn't see what's going on and that we are just 'close'. I like how much he trusts me but I can't help but begin to see a pattern falling.

1st Arthur doesn't see anything
2nd Charles begins to get close
3rd Arthur finds out
4th Charles and I argue and stop talking

And the final step.

5 Go back to step 1.

I look at him peacefully sleeping and feel like like same teenager I was. I get up and begin to start cooking before he wakes up.

Charles comes behind me and pulls me into him by my waist.

"I've got media today and I'd like you to be in the Ferrari Garage." He says into my ear.

"Not sure my father would approve of that." I say turning around giving him a peck on the lips and serving his protein powder pancakes.

I start to get ready and choose a black straight across top with some trousers and my black YSL bag and Christian Louboutin Heels.

My father called ahead and got me a driver. As me and Charles walked out we were greeted with fans. I took a few photos for Charles' instagram and Charles got into his car while I got into mine.

We drove to the grid which was only a 5mins drive and began walking into the garages. I went to Mercedes while Charles went to Ferrari.

"Ah sweetheart! Your just in time! Your brother is getting rather bored and I was hoping you could take him for a while!" My mother said handing me €50 then shoving me out the room with Jack by my side.

"Nun, das war seltsam.." I muttered look down at Jack smiling at me.

Jack held my hand and we went to buy some ice cream. As we were walking down the stairs i saw Lewis just walking out of his interview.

"LewLew!" Jack shouts running towards lewis.

"Hey mate!" Lewis replies picking jack up.

I invited Lewis to come get ice cream with us and he accepted. We all went to an ice cream shop that sold the most beautiful ice cream.

Jack got chocolate with chocolate sauce and sprinkles. Lewis had chocolate as well but no toppings. I had honeycomb with no toppings.

"Forgot you choose boring ice cream Wolff." Lewis jokes.

"Oh shut up" I laugh.

Jack begins to giggle then his face drops and he gives Lewis a look. Lewis turns around to see fans and paparazzi trying to get photos and banging on the parlour door. Not only scaring Jack but the other people in the shop.

"Let's all go back to mine okay? Ignore them." I suggest and Lewis nods holding jacks hand.

" I suggest and Lewis nods holding jacks hand

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