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(Authors note : just a short little chapter for my Christmas gift to you all! Merry Christmas and if it's not Christmas then ignore this bc it's not that special to the story 🙌 )

At 4am, the alarm went off and Charles got up. This year was his turn. I rolled back over in the bed and tried to go to sleep but annoyingly I couldn't even though I was tired.

"Amour go back to sleep. I'll do the whole Santa thing." He says kissing my forehead. I sleepily smile back.

Around 10mins later, a little boy decides to run inside our room after we finally get back to sleep.

"Mummy! Daddy! Wake up! Santa came" He shouts jumping on the bed.

"Jules shh.." I say.

"Come on kiddo lay down for a second then we can all go and open presents." Charles says making room in the middle for Jules.

That lasted a good 3 minutes.

"Mummy please can we go now?" Jules whispers in my ear.

"Come on then.." I finally say getting out of bed.

Jules runs straight past and runs downstairs to see all of the presents layed nicely under the tree. Charles makes me a coffee and I get my phone and start recording.

Jules opens his first present which is a Ferrari Hat with CL16 on it. I look at Charles and he avoids eye contact with him.

"How funny Santa gets you what your father wants." I say sarcastically.

"Silly Santa! He also got one for my birthday!" Jules shouts.

I look at Jules then again at Charles with confusion for a second and come to realise somehow we've messed up the Santa theory.

"Moving on, open that big present! It's from both of us!" Charles says putting his arm over my shoulder.

Jules rips it open and jumps with joy to see a toy Ferrari he can sit in and drive himself. He throws himself onto us giving us a huge hug.

"Il miglior regalo di sempre!" Jules shouts. 'Best present ever'

"Charles hört auf, ihm Italienisch beizubringen." I whisper into Charles ear. 'Charles stop teaching him Italian.'

"Papa hat mir auch Deutsch beigebracht!" Jules says with a smile. 'Papa is also teaching me German'

"Jules that was our secret!" Charles laughs.

"Sorry Papa!" Jules replies giggling.

He opens presents form everyone else and is very appreciative. The one thing I focused on while parenting was making sure he didn't take stuff for granted.

While I was clearing up all the mess, Charles opened the door to reveal the whole family. BOTH of our families. Who we weren't gonna see till Boxing Day.

"Surprise! Jules your favourite uncle is here!" Arthur shouts ignoring Charles.

"Ah my sweet boy! And my future daughter in law!" Pascal says hugging us both.

"Mama-" Charles sighs feeling embarrassed.

"The boy knows to ask me before." My father soon says shaking Charles hand.

My mother and lorenzo soon follow everyone in. I look at Charles with slight fear as I've not planned anything.

I look over at Jules who is being asked about a 1000 different questions and being told the same.

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