20 - PREMA Racing

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Over the next few days, My mother was very pleased with my decision to choose PREMA for my team in F1 Academy.

We started to look at teammates and other drivers who were good enough to move up.

Campos Racing
Nerea Marti - #1
Lola Lovinfosse - #2
Maite Caceres - #3

MP Motorsport
Hamda Al Qubaisi - #4
Emely de Heus - #5
Amna Al Qubaisi - #6

ART Grand Prix
Lena Buhler - #7
Carrie Schreiner - #8
Chloe Grant - #9

Rodin Carlin
Abbi Pulling - #10
Jessica Edgar - #11
Megan Gilkes - #12

PREMA Racing
Chloe Chong - #14
Nora Wolff - #15
Bianca Bustamante - #16

I had never met anyone but I could see myself being close with a few of them.

We planned a meeting for 8th of June in Monaco. That meant Charles would be off to Baku while I'd stay in Monaco and I was planning to Surprise him in


That morning on the 8th, I woke up to Charles tucking my hair behind my ear.

"That was one good dream you woke me up from." I mumble stroking his cheek with my thumb.

"You can tell me about it later. I wanted to let you sleep but I'm about to leave to the airport and needed to say goodbye." He says softly kissing my cheek.

"Call me when u land!" I shout as he heads out of our apartment.

I got up and had a quick hot shower. I got dressed and wore a polo shirt tucked into black trousers secured with a Gucci Belt. I wore a casual silver watch and Versace Sunglasses. Of course to finish, I added a Pravda Bag.

I was thinking of ordering a driver then thought I should walk. It was only a 10 minute walk.

When I arrived someone took my jacket and led me to a board room. Chloe sat next to me and I smiled at her as I sat down.

"Are you as excited as I am?" Chloe spoke.

"I'm Nervous if anything.." I admit.

"We are all in this together! Teammates should stick together right? I think Bianca is running late." Chloe replies holding my hand as she sees it shake.

"Thank you. I'm Nora." I turn to smile.

"Trust me. I know! I've seen all your shoots and I'm obsessed with your social life!" Chloe says laughing.

"Well welcome to my social life!" I reply laughing.

Once everyone walked in. They talked about contracts, money and just random things like the car and what we didn't really need to know.

Our first race would be in 2023 and would be on the 28-29th in Spielberg.

I was excited leaving that office. I wanted to scream it out to the world but we wouldn't be sharing it till later on this year.

Later on that day I got onto a flight to Canada, the flight was 10hrs and 45mins. I knew it would be worth it going and seeing him. Charles had a bad race in baku causing him to DNF. I wish I was there to support him. I told Lewis to keep and eye on him from afar.

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