14 - 'hard reality'

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(I have written a TW for this when sensitive topics come up!)

I realise what's happening but I don't want to pull away from his touch.

"I missed this." He muttered under his breath as he started to kiss my Neck.

Before anything else someone knocked at the door.

"Go away." Charles mumbled at the door.

"But why Mr Leclerc? You seems interested in me earlier.. now your in this closet all alone." The model from earlier said.

I take a step back away from Charles. Charles just looks at me saying nothing.

"God I'm so stupid." I mumble to myself lightly laughing.

"Nora I promise it's not like-" Charles begins to say before being interrupted.

"Charles hurry! It's getting cold!" She shouts quietly moving closer into the door.

I look around to find there's another door hidden by boxes. I step over the boxes and leave fixing my hair.

I hear the model get pulled inside the door and begin to feel like I'm going to throw up.

I begin walking away to my makeup room then seeing Charles Studio door unlocked.

I walk inside and see his Car keys on the side. Without hesitation I pick up the keys and naturally steal his car. I begin to race to the Leclerc Estate to see Arthur run out.

"How in the world did you manage that..?!" Arthur shouts in disbelief.

"Your brother was too busy with a model so I thought I'd get busy with his car." I say smirking.

"This is why I love you!" Arthur shouts getting into the passenger seat.

"Nora le ramener pour 7 heures ou je parlerai à Charles de sa voiture!" Pascale shouts waving us goodbye.
'Nora bring him back for 7 o'clock or I'll talk to Charles about his car!'

"Oui Oui 7 heures!" I shout waving.
'Yes yes 7 o'clock'

I begin to sped of in Charles car not caring if anyone sees. I see people take pictures and Arthur shouts at every bakery for us to stop.

"Arthur we aren't food shopping! First we are shopping for a new outfit for the new club in just outside Monaco!" I shout with excitement.

"When you say outside Monaco.. Do you mean 5mins or..?" Arthur cautiously asked.

"47mins to be exact.." I mumble under my breath.

We stop off at a small clothes shop full of going out outfits and begin to look around for the best outfits.

I chose a white,sparkly short dress and Arthur just wanted to wear a shirt half undone and some jeans.

I began driving to the club forgetting about pascales words and we arrive excited for the night ahead. Arthur buys the first round of drinks and starts flirting with some random group of girls.

I begin wondering around looking for things to do when someone spills their drink on me.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I shout looking up at the man.

"No I'm sorry- oh my god." He stops and looks up.

"Your Nora Wolff?! Toto wolffs daughter!" He shouts over the music.

"Yes I am! Who might you be?" I shout back.

"I'm Jack! Jack Smith!" He shouts again.

"Perhaps we should go to the bar or something where is quieter so the whole club can't listen to our conversation!" I reply smiling.

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