7 - Drunken mistakes

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I woke up with an astonishing amount of pain in my forehead. I look down to see I'm wearing nothing but a baggy shirt and my underwear. I look at the arm wrapped around my waist. Oh god.

I look around in a panic to see I was in a very red inspired room. I rub my head and turn to see who's arm was around me to see.. Charles fucking Leclerc.

He seems peacefully asleep. I don't remember much apart from finding Charles in the club bathroom with his date.

I tried to remember but I just couldn't. I turn too look at my phone to see my father messaged me.

 I turn too look at my phone to see my father messaged me

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Not only do I have to do the 'walk of shame' but I also have to be ready in 15mins

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Not only do I have to do the 'walk of shame' but I also have to be ready in 15mins. I try to get out of Charles arms and fail miserably as he pulls me closer and tighter.

I roll my eyes and try again until he slowly wakes up. I quickly get up and gather my dress and begins to try and find my shoe. I give up leaving with one heel and HIS baggy shirt.

I run into my room and try to find an outfit. I quickly jump into the shower and do light makeup. And just like that 15 minutes had past. My dad knocked on the door.

"Give me a minute!" I shout rushing to put on the outfit I had planned which was a white cropped buttoned shirt that wasn't really buttoned up with forest green trousers.

I opened the door to see my father tapping his watch. I roll my eyes and head to the lobby. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact I woke up half naked in Charles' hotel room.

I didn't want to think to much of it but I couldn't not. Did we have sex? What if Arthur finds out? My head was everywhere than the elevator doors opened to reveal Arthur the other side.

I scream and ran up and hugged him. He picked me up and spun me around.

"Arthur what are you doing here?!" I shouted hugging him tightly.

"If I'm being honest I'm not sure. It was a very late thing but Im going to be here for the first 2 races of the season with you!" He shouted back.

The elevator dinged and Charles walked out of it. He looked me straight in the eye and seemed disappointed. His and Arthur hugged than Arthur left to get this room key from reception while my dad went to have breakfast.

"So we aren't going to talk about the fact we slept together and you left without saying anything?" Charles muttered.

"I didn't have a choice! My dad was on the way to my room and I had to be ready! Don't make me sound like that either." I roll my eyes making my point.

"Sound like what exactly?" He mutters smirking.

"You know exactly what! Now we were both drunk and it will not happen again. Only in your dreams leclerc." I scoff smirking back at him.

Arthur walks over and placed his arms over both of us and being in the middle of us. I couldn't help but think what I had foolishly done.

The rules we had made since we were young I had completely ruined in a couple of hours. Technically I was drunk so it wasnt my fault. As we sat down at breakfast. Arthur makes me sit next to Charles.

I go up to the bar and have some yogurt with berries and chocolate chips with some honey. I get some apple juice along with it. I sit down and watch as Charles' "date" last night walks into the room.

She didn't seem the happiest and making arthur move up so she's sitting next to me. Arthur being a gentleman. He moves up not thinking about it. I also think he was scared.

She just sits there staring at me than takes my apple juice and drinks it. I just try my best to pretend she's not there. Charles notices and places his head in his hands.

"I know you fucked him but he's still mine so keep your German hands off him." She whispered in my ear.

I almost spit out my spoonful of yogurt at her statement. Not only did she say that me and Charles 'fucked' but called me German.

"I'm Austrian Miststück." I muttered underneath my breath.

Charles heard and chuckled to himself smirking at me. This goes unnoticed by her and she chooses to randomly start making out with Charles and sit on his lap while I'm awkwardly sitting there.

"J'ai besoin d'eau de Javel pour les yeux" Arthur said faking throwing up. 'I need bleach for my eyes'

"Ça me rend malade" I reply laughing at Arthur's comment. 'It makes me feel sick'

I loose my appetite and me and arthur leave the two making out in the most intimate way possible which is lovely for them but disgusting for everyone else.

Arthur's room is the floor above so it's a tiny bit less expensive which means less space yet it was still very posh.

I collapse onto the freshly made bed and kick my shoes off onto the floor making myself at home.

"So How was the party last night?" Arthur's asks.

"Erm it was okay! I can't remember a lot of it?" I reply focusing on trying to find Netflix so i can watch my series.

"There's rumours going around that apparently you and Charles left together and apparently were dancing very intimate.." Arthur mutters.

"Arthur! Your kidding right? Rumours and just rumours! Dancing is Dancing plus I was drunk so even if anything 'intimate happened' that probably wasn't me!" I defend myself trying to make a laugh out of it.

"I suppose.. Remember when they thought me and you were having a child?!" Arthur laughs almost crying.

"Just because we went shopping in a store next to a baby store!" I laugh back.

We start having a laughing fit and not being about to control ourselves and begin crying of laughter.

I felt guilty but Arthur's my best friend! If I told him I'm sure he would understand. There's just that 10% he wouldn't understand and probably drop me and never speak to me again by choice.



Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to Vote and Add this to the library for more updates!

I also have a TikTok page that user name is the same as my Wattpad user name! I'd appreciate if you could follow but it's not a necessity if you don't want sneak peaks!

Bye my loves - Olivia xx

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