2 - Partying Gone Wrong

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A few hours later, I got ready for my shoot and waited on the sofa talking to Pascale when Arthur comes down looking not his best let's just say.

"Nora you know I love you but I'm not feeling so well. mama, can u make me that soup you do?" Arthur said fakely blowing his nose. I knew this was fake but for what reason?

"Arthur! you promised you'd take me! The shoot starts in 2 hours and-" I start to say then see Arthur wink at me. RULE NO.18: always help your bestie out." I suppose I can walk." I say rolling my eyes.

I pick up my bag when Charles stands in my way. I stop and look up at him. god, he's perfect.. ..BUT RULE NUMBER NINE!!

"Come on. ill take you, Nelly." He says taking my bag off me and picking up his car keys.

Pascale hugged me goodbye and Arthur tried to cough in my face. what an animal I know. We walked outside and Charles opened the door for me and we got into his customised Ferrari 488 Pista which had the number sixteen on it with the monagasque flag.

"Thank you Charlie this really helps me out and saves me walking-" I mutter before being interrupted.

"Don't think twice about it, i couldn't let you walk alone. id feel guilty." he quickly uttered.

Silence filled the car then Charles connected my phone to his car which took him ages and he looked like a grandad trying to use a mobile phone. eventually, it worked and I quickly put on my '2000s playlist'. once I heard Ms. Jackson I screamed the lyrics and Charles looked at me concerned and then laughed.

Before I knew it, I arrived at the agency. I went to open my door to discover Charles had gotten out and opened my door already.

"thank you, Charlie! ill pay you back I promise!" I said hugging him goodbye.

"you can pay me back by taking Arthur out for most of the night. Mama is going on a vacation for a few days and I'm having a party. a house party that doesn't welcome connoisseurs (geeks)." Charles chuckled grinning at me.

"Oh, good thing me and Arthur aren't geeks! ill get a dress from here for it! thanks for the invite, Charlie!" I smirk back. he just scoffs and gets back in his car and drives off.


I go inside and watch as all my makeup artists crowd and get me ready. Joane whos my agent tells me that today's shoot is for APM Monaco. while my makeup was getting done, my fashionista agent named Lucia picked a short white dress with white YSL heels and the APM pearl necklace id be modelling with.

As i was sitting down watching my artists work their magic I overheard them talking about the party.

"Nora tell Charles that I and Nicola will see him tonight! it was so kind of him to invite half of Monaco to the party! you are so lucky to see him so much!" one of the stylists said in awe.

"yep he's just so lovely isn't he!" I muttered sarcastically getting out of the chair to the shooting.

Flash after Flash and finally, we were done. the producer talks about the line for hours and discusses what's going to happen with it and all the boring stuff. when I get back to my room, I hear a knock at the door. I open it to see the APM Monaco CEO standing in front of me.

"I wanted to thank you personally for doing this and could I ask you to ask Charles if he'd be interested in doing a shoot for APM? That would be all au revoir mademoiselle!" he blurts before leaving. id roll my eyes and ask Lucia to make me an outfit for tonight.


Lucia had picked a black dress with mesh sleeves and high black heel boots. I added me and Arthurs bracelet with a necklace with a J on it standing for 'jack'. it was the first present he actually picked for me and he said 'so peace of me is always with you' when he handed it to me.

My jewellery was the main thing for me. every piece I owned no matter how expensive has a personal memory. the more meaning the more id wear it and my 'J' necklace was almost my lucky charm. before I could realise I was on a train of thought Arthur came barging into my room.

"Hurry up! your dad just started talking about the aerodynamics of the car again so we need to go!" Arthur said picking up my YSL purse and pulling me downstairs.

"Arthur, kümmere dich um sie, sonst töte ich dich persönlich." my father would say. arthur just looked confused as he hasn't mastered german YET. "Arthur, take care of her or I'll kill you personally."

"he just said to look after me that's all!" id mutter into Arthur's ear.


As we approached the driveway, I saw how the house changed into a teenage house party like you see in American films. when we walked in everyone was drunk and the music was roaring out of the speakers. As I and Arthur went to get a drink, a woman with about 100 tattoos barged us out of the way.

"You're in the way!" the woman shouted.

"I believe the right thing to say is 'excuse-moi' not 'you're in the way.'" I spat back watching her walk up to my face.

"You better move la pute" she argues back. I take a deep breath after looking at Arthur's disagreement. As I take a step back someone stands in front of me. by the smell of Cologne,, I knew exactly who it was...

"What did you just call her?"



hope yall liked this chapter!

Wonder who said that then..?????

i will hopefully be posting every Friday at around 10BST!! i will be writing this story and 'son amour' so please check that out! if you have any suggestions or questions just type and ill reply! im also here if you'd like to talk about anything! either its vent or you just want someone to listen!

au revoir les gens! - Olivia
bye guys! - Olivia
Tschüss Leute! - Olivia

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