21 - Austria GP

800 18 5

Since Canada, Charles is convinced I'm his good luck charm and hasn't stopped saying it. It's been two weeks. We are now in Austria.

"Charles Leclerc. I am not a good luck charm! It's a coincidence!" I exclaim sitting opposite him eating breakfast.

"Amour, you say that BUT every time you're not my race, I don't do well! Maybe my mother was right.. you are a gift sent from above." He says eating his yogurt like a child.

"Aw Pascale said that about me. I love that woman. I told her everything growing up." I reply.

He doesn't reply but just chuckles to himself taking another mouthful of yogurt.

"What?" I question.

"Oh it's Nothing." He says smirking.

"Charlie you know I hate that. What is it?" I roll my eyes.

"My mother told me everything that you told her growing up. Including your little crush on me. Well 4 year crush I think it was?" He says pecking me on the cheek taking his bowl out to the kitchen.

"Wait what?! She told you?!" I shout.

"Oh it was so adorable. Arthur's best friend had a little crush on me." He teases.

"Oh shush." I scoff.

Charles just laughs and walks off into the bedroom to get changed to head to the track.

We are staying in our old childhood holiday homes. My father and mother are staying down the road while me and Charles are staying in the leclercs old holiday home.

I begin to walk around and spot the sofa where me and pascale would have our talks. She'd tell me all about all the things she'd do if she'd have a daughter. Sometimes she pretended I was her daughter and took me out to get my hair done and nails painted while my mother, father and hevre would stay at home looking after the 3 leclerc boys.

(Flashback - 2005)
(Nora&Arthur are 5| Charles is 8)

Today I wore my nice white dress that mama had bought me yesterday. She told me that we were going to see the leclercs again and wanted me to look nice.

Me and Arthur had our whole holiday planned. Today we were going to make up a dance routine with Charles and Lorenzo to convice our parents to buy us the new Leapster L-Max Learning Game System.

It was the latest and coolest toy. I ran downstairs and grabbed my lelli Kelly shoes and my 5, Rue Sésame themed backpack and sprinted to the leclercs which was only next door but it felt like forever.

I excitedly knocked on the door and Charles opened it.

"Hey Charlie! Where's Arty? We have a massive plan which-" I began to blabber in excitement.

"Ugh not you again. Why can't you annoy another family!" Charles shouts storm off.

"Someone's grumpypants." I mutter harshly under my breath.

"You're so annoying!" Charles says going to push me.

"You're more annoying!" I shout back pushing back.

We begin to throw our arms around hitting each others arms shouting in between.

"Charles Leclerc! Cosa ti ho detto?!" Pascale says walking down the stairs. 'What have I told you?!

"Sorry mama.." he mutters running over and hugging her.

"Chiedi scusa a Nora. Non colpisci mai una donna. Sicuramente non uno che potresti sposare un giorno." She said firmly. I just sat in confusion. I'd only successfully learnt German and was now learning Italian. Partly anyway,

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