10 - 'First Date Night'

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[AN : ive marked where the 🌶️🌶️ is!! So if you'd like to skip you can! It's my first time writing 🌶️ so give me a break pls]

I finished getting ready and wore a short beige patterned skirt with a black shirt with mess sleeves. Paired with my new heels and necklace and my bracelet that says 'AL+NW' with charms on it on my left hand and on my right my Rolex lol got for my 18th.

Charles rented a more casual Ferrari to not draw so much attention. I couldn't help myself but to stare into his eyes when he was driving. He's perfect. I don't deserve him.

He catches me staring at him and just quickly turns and smiles then placing his eyes back on the road. I'm so in love with him. He plays his classical piano music but I couldn't careless.

A part of me wishes I could tell the world I'm dating such an amazing person that I'm deeply in love with. I want to tell Arthur so badly but I can't. I'd love for me to introduce Charles to my family as my boyfriend not just another leclerc.

I snap out of my thoughts when we arrive. It was a smallish restaurant but it looked homely. Charles opened my door and we walked in with his arm around my waist. I just looked at him smiling. I look at my bracelet which is sort of irritating me and place it in my pocket.


I opened her door and held my hand out for her to step out looking like the beautiful women she is.

I don't think I've ever loved a women so much in my life. Tonight had to be perfect and I made sure it was. All the paparazzi were given a 'hint' that Lewis would be at the hotel on a date with his mystery women.

I requested a table that was close to the back just in case and pulled out her chair for her to sit down. She smiles at me and my heart softens at her beauty.

I know how much she wants to tell people about us. I want to as well but I won't say that as I know how important her relationship is with Arthur.

She looks so gorgeous I can't keep my eyes off her and my brain just forgets everything and remembers only her. Her and her unique personality and beauty.

I don't care how complicated it gets, if I have her by myself I couldn't care less. She's the thing that makes me smile everyday. I'm head over heels for this women and I don't regret a single thing.

The waiter comes over and asks what we would like.

"English? Français? Italiano? Castellano?" The waiter asks wondering what language we speak.

We looked at each other and just knew it would be easier if we spoke in English as quite a few people knew English as there 2nd best language.

"Can I have a bottle of a Pinot Noir?" I asked and he nodded.

Nora looked at me smiling. I've never seen this women smile so much.


We eventually order our food and I offer to pay but Charles tells me that it would be an abomination to let me pay.

We walk out and choose to go for a walk around the city. When it starts to get busier he holds my hand. I play it off calmly but I'm screaming inside. I love this man with all my heart and I'd do anything.

I look in the window of a shop to see a photo of him on the front cover of a magazine and I make him wait outside while I go in and buy the magazine.

We find a shop which I buy a magnet from.. One of them is to signify our first date and the other is for the 2023 Saudi Arabia GP

We walk along the beach and find a place to sit down in the sand. I wasn't bothered if I got sand in a shoes I was just happy. Charles wraps his arm around my shoulder and I lean into him. We sit just talking admirably the stars.

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