6 - The dinner

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I began watch a sitcom called 'New girl'. I had no idea why I was so addicted to watching it but I sat in bed with my mascara smudged down my face. I felt like an idiot. But for what exactly? I have no idea. But Ice cream was going to solve it.

I heard a knock at the door and I thought it was room service so opened it willingly but I was greeted with an angry father with a habit of talking very fast German when he was mad.

"Before you say anything I have a good explanation and I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't shout at me in German as I will probably be confused." I say scratching the back of my neck.

"Why are you crying?" His voice immediately shifted as he looked up to see me. "Should I call your mother? She's good at this." He spoke quickly getting his phone out.

"Dad I'm okay! I just wasn't feeling good enough to see everyone.." I muttered under my breath making sure only he could hear me.

"Du bist meine schöne Tochter. Jetzt bringen Sie sich in Ordnung und wir können beide nach unten gehen. Jemand wartet auf dich!" He shouting smiling. 'You are my beautiful daughter. Now you get in order and we can both go downstairs. Someone is waiting for you!'

I just smiled and hugging him. Although me and my father haven't been close these years. He still makes me feel special like he used to do when I was younger.

I quickly ran into the bathroom and cleaning my makeup up and put on my shoes again. I fixed my hair and was ready in under 20mins. We went downstairs and when I stepped out I was greeted by my old friend. Sir Lewis Hamilton.

"Omg Nora is that you? You've changed!" Lewis said hugging me.

"Says you! Sir Lewis Hamilton with 7 world championships!" I laugh back smiling.

I look back at my father smiling at my happiness. Lewis holds my hand as we walk into a private dining room. The team managers sit one end while the drivers sit the other.

Lewis pulls my chair out for me to sit next to him and I thank him. I can't help but look over at Charles who can't stop looking at me. I feel him eyes on me and most importantly his glaze land on lewis' hand on mine.

Me and Lewis have always been close but he was the Mercedes first driver and without a doubt my father's favourite driver.

Lewis was quite older than me but that never stopped us from being close. I started talking to Lando who was around my age I think and seemed very nice.

Our waitress took our orders and I ordered a pasta salad that had a very posh name with a passion fruit martini. Me and Lewis started to catch up and I could see Charles and his date making out in front of everyone. Charles didn't seem totally focused on her yet that didn't stop him.

I started to talk to the other drivers and found out a little bit about them all and they were all so welcoming especially daniel. He was an Australian with a very good sense of humour.

"Guys we should go out to a club or something including Nora and you guys dates! We are in Bahrain with 3 days before practice! We must have fun before training starts!" Daniel shouts placing his arm on landos shoulder.

"Danny I don't think toto would like his daughter doing out parting with you lot" Christian adds into the conversation.

"Horner I'm 21 years old I don't think I need my father permission!" I joke looking at my father for his reaction.

"You are definitely his daughter" Horner scoffs leaning back in his chair with his wife laughing at my comment.

Everyone splits the bill and very kindly Lewis pays for mine. Lewis wasn't sure if he wanted to go out and told Lando and Danny to 'look after me'. Lewis and a few others decline and me, Charles, lando, Danny, Carlos, Alex and Max all accept with their dates included.

We found a club only a 10minute walk from the hotel. The music was loud and the atmosphere was amazing with people dancing and singing to the music.

We found a booth and started ordering cocktails and drinks that are only for getting drunk.

After a while, me and Lando had a drinking competition. I'm not a big drinker but I never say no to a competition.

Carlos brought over shots and lined them up for me and Lando. First to get to the middle. Before I start I look around to find Charles isn't with us and either is his date.

Danny shouts "GO!" and me and Lando start throwing back shots with Carlos and Danny cheer for me , Alex and Max cheer for Lando.

Lando wins by a mile. Who knew Lando Norris was amazing at drinking games.

I head to the bathroom after feeling like i was going to throw up. Daniel offered to come with me to hold my hair back as he 'sensed we will be really good friends'.

I get to the door and find it's locked. A girl taps my shoulder and tells me that they had been in there for a while. I start banging on the door feeling myself become more unwell.

The door unlocks to reveal something I really didn't want to see. Charles opened the door with very scruffy hair and a his shirt is now loose. His date on the other hand, her dress is wrapped on her waist.

"Oh my god- that's horrifying" I scream covering my eyes.

"Jesus Nora!" Charles shouts shutting the door.

I stood stunned and I had no idea what to do. I just saw my best friends brother come out of a bathroom after doing god knows what.

His date unlocked the door and stormed out. Before I could even begin my sentence, I was dragged into the bathroom.

"Charles what are you doing!" I shout as I look down at his hands holding my arms very tightly.

"God why did you have to look so beautiful tonight?" He said almost irritated.

"I apologise? I suppose?" I question.

He pushes his lips onto mine. Grabbing my waist and the back of my head. I stop for a second and look at him speechless. I knew what I was doing but I didn't want to stop.

He pins me to the wall as the kiss deepened. His hand going to my thigh lifting up my dress slightly.

"Wait.. Charles you just did whatever with your date! This is wrong!" I shout as my thoughts come back to me.

"She wanted to and I thought it would take my mind off of you but I couldn't help but think of you and stopped her before anything." Charles admits placing his hand on my cheek.

"Oh fuck it." I sigh before kissing him passionately.


Told you I'd be posting soon!
Also who else watches new girl bc I'm obsessed!!

1000 words but some chapters might be more!! Never less dw

Hope you liked this chapter!
The next chapter will be out between now and next week!

Bye my loves! - Olivia

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