Chapter 8

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After a long and boring detention, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Sighing, I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my phone. An unknown number popped onto my screen and I answered with a 'hello'
There was a cough before a deep voice spoke out.
"Hello? I would like to speak to Alexis Summers?"
"Speaking" I replied. I didn't know what this guy wanted and it was kinda scaring me.
"Hello Alexis, my name is Bart. I would like you to join my magcon tour in Sydney. I will message you the details this afternoon" he paused, "Alexis, if you would like us to pay for your tour, you need to start filming vines"
"Yes sir, I can do that" I said cheerily. I was excited, wait, that's an understatement. I was nervous? Scared? Happy? I don't know.
Hanging up after talking some more I noticed a sign on my locker.
It read 'I know who you are'
I froze. Only Cameron and Matt knew. Ruining my good mood, I trudged down to home class. This day was almost over, I can do this. During home class, Dale started talking about car crashes. I didn't indulge in conversation until someone said
"Alexis? Wasn't your mum in a car accident?" I froze. Feeling myself having a panic attack. I looked at the guy who said that, a new kid, Luke.
"I-I uhh" I stuttered. I couldn't breathe, I had to get out of here. With tears streaming down my cheeks, I ran out of the classroom.
"Alexis! Wait!" Matt called out for me behind me. I didn't turn back, I had to get away from here.
"Alexis?" Cameron's voice called out confused. I didn't stop, he was in my way and if he didn't move I would run into him.
Without thinking I ran straight into him, bowling him over in the process. I stumbled to get back up, slipping on the tiles. My vision was blurry so I kept running into the walls of the halls. Suddenly, I burst out of the school. Running down the gates, I almost pushed over a old lady who yelled out something strange. Dashing through the thick forest, tripping over a few ferns, I burst through a clearing filled with a larg lake. I tripped over and landed on a sharp edge. Crying out in pain, I sat there, waiting, watching, and crying. I don't know what triggered that panic attack, I guess the stress got to me. I laid down against a mount of grass, falling asleep. Hearing a loud yell in the distance, I slept peacefully. Was, was someone calling out my name? I slowly woke from my slumber, freezing cold. I shivered and rubbed my arms to get some warmth back into my body.
"Alexis, honey, where are you?" A warm voice called out.
"Mum?" I replied, dazed.
"Honey, why are you here?" She appeared in the clearing and shook her head, smiling to herself.
"I-i started having a panic attack" I paused "so I ran"
She nodded before in bracing me into a hug. Her warmth flowed through me.
"How? Why are you here?" I asked her.
She looked sadly at me before replying
"You needed me" I shook my head,
"Why weren't you there for me when I needed you?" She smiled before walking away.
"I have to go, I love you baby. Take care of Matt and Cam, they love you" she disappeared and left me there, stranded with my thoughts.

(A/n the feels are real! Sorry I haven't updated, I was going through a lot of stress. Love you guys <3)

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