chapter 12

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(a/n  I just want to say, thank you guys so much for all the reads.I think we are at 1.9k now! that's crazy, I just wanted to write this book during free time and you guys have motivated me to start updating on the regular bases after I finish homework and out of school work.  and can we just get an AMEN for the picture of Jack J? He's such a sexy, sexy boy. With that said, enjoy) 

On the plane I was seated next to Aaron.

"Hey sexy Lexi" was his first comment out of many. During most of the flight, we were either on our phones or talking about random topics. I managed to fall asleep on his shoulder because I was woken up by a grumpy Aaron.

"Wake up, we need to get off this bloody plane" He ran his fingers through his hair and I stood and stretched. I grabbed my backpack from the overhead carriers and we both walked out. 

Screams erupted as soon as we stepped out of the hallway. Security was tough around the hundreds of fans and Aaron gave me a look.

"How are we supposed to get through that?" i shrugged at his question and we heard our names being called out by the fans. We shook some security guys hands and shared smiles with the fans. out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone i haven't seen in ages.

"Matt!!!" I yelled out over the screaming fans. He grinned at me and ran over, pulling me into a hug. There were hundreds of 'awes' going around and slowly the fans started to increase.

"This is crazy, who texted?" I asked Matt, we were both sitting at a table signing posters and phone cases for fans.

"Uhhh, funny thing... I texted we were going to be here and the fans just started rolling in, there were some fans here at 4 this morning" he smiled at me and some fans screamed louder as Cameron and the Jacks' came in.

"Hello you three" They yelled out at Matt, Aaron and I.

"haiiiii" I replied.

 After two hours, my hand was throbbing.  I was starting to wonder what will happen if they don't go away but then Bart came over to us.

"Good news, we have a privet golf cart coming, so we won't need to wait any longer" we all cheered and the fans screamed. I hugged some and took photos with them as the big golf cart came into view. 

"Yaaassss" Matt called out and we all climbed in. i held onto my phone and recorded the trip. we ran out the back doors of the airport and climbed into the limo.

"Okay everyone, may I have your attention?" Bart yelled out over us. We all shrugged and nodded and he continued his sentence.

"I'm going to tell you your roommates for this event," he paused listing the names. The groups were:

Aaron, Cam and Jack J

Jack G, Me and Shawn 

Matt, Nash and carter and Taylor.

We were all happy with our roommates and we climbed out of the car.

 we grabbed our bags and headed into our hotel rooms. I was talking to Jack J when I tripped over a bag. 

"What the hell?" I called out. A boy around my age came running over, worried look on his face.

"I-I'm really sorry, I didn't think anyone would walk in a group like yours" he helped me up, making my skin tingle.

"It's ok, i'm fine" I smiled at him, waving as Jack J waved me over.

"Can I get your number?" I asked the boy and he nodded. 

"My name is Chris, and yours is?" he asked after we swapped numbers. 

Smiling, I replied "My name is Lexi, also known as the girl on the Magcon tour" he laughed at my joke before walking off. I met up with the guys in the room and we were all pretty tired.

"Goodnight guys" I had finished getting my make up off and i had gone to bed, but not before thinking of someone. 

I sent a quick message to that someone, before my eyes watered and I went to bed.

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