13. Remnants

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Sometime before dawn, I stirred from my sleep. My mind was a bit clearer after some much-needed rest, and I recalled the events of the previous night. Striker and I stayed out late on our "not-date", Stolas called me to ask about my errand, that asshole imp who stepped on my tail attacked me. . .

I felt someone's frame pressed close to mine in the bed. My eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the darkness, and I could just barely make out the man holding me in his sleep. Striker was completely relaxed beside me, his brows not furrowed together, his lids gently closed over his eyes, his lips forming a blank, expressionless line.

Then I remembered one big detail of the night: He and I almost kissed.

A sober kiss. A real kiss.

The memory of his captivating gaze and his lips not even an inch from mine caused my face to grow hot, and I couldn't help but feel a livid frustration at the god-awful timing of Stolas' phone call.

Goddammit, Stolas, I cursed. I was so close! Why couldn't you have called like ten minutes earlier?!

I now looked at the sleeping man beside me. His body heat kept me warm under the thin blanket, and the quiet, steady sound of his breathing lulled me into a deep calm. I looked up — his face was directly in front of mine.

So close. . .

Slowly, I pushed myself closer to his face. My lips hovered just before his, barely any space between them. Gently, gently, like the beat of a butterfly's wings, I brought my lips to his. He didn't move, to my relief. I held the kiss, burning the feeling into my mind. His lips were so soft — I wanted more. Every part of me ached for more.

But I pushed the overwhelming feeling down and drew my lips away. I watched his face, wondering if I'd woken him. After concluding that no, I hadn't, I relaxed back into his frame, nuzzling my head into his chest. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

A moment later Striker's arms tightened around me, drawing me further into his frame until there was no more space between us. His hand held the back of my head, and his lips lightly settled themselves on my forehead.

A small mewl escaped me as I melted into him. I lifted my arms and returned the embrace, my hands resting firmly on his shoulder blades. I felt his lips curl into a smile against my forehead.

"Mornin', darlin'," he whispered.

His words brought a smile to my lips. I pulled away from him just enough to see his face. His eyes opened, glowing softly in the darkness. He looked at me and smiled lazily.

"And just what're you doin' trying to steal a kiss from me in my sleep?" he said sleepily. His deep, gravelly voice was heavily accentuated by his drowsiness; the mere sound of it sent chills down my spine.

Both his voice and the humiliation of being caught red-handed caused my cheeks to burn. I looked away from him, sputtering quietly, "I-I, uh — I just. . ."

I stopped myself when Striker took my chin in his hand and turned my face back to his. His smile widened, his lids closing halfway over those luminous eyes. "Do you want a real one?"

My heart fluttered in my chest. I looked at him with an intense yearning before I muttered, "Yes."

Striker chuckled and lowered his head. His lips softly lay just above mine, barely touching them. My body screamed for him to bring his lips closer. I waited for him to do so, until I realized that he was waiting for me. Waiting for me to kiss him.

Swallowing every bit of apprehension in me, I craned my head forward and pressed my lips to his. My stomach rolled at the sensation. The softness of his lips was intoxicating, and once again, I wanted more.

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