39. Abyssinia, Darlin'

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I am not a fool entire

No, I know what's coming . . .


It was early the next morning when I was awoken by a hand gingerly stroking my cheek. I stirred, causing the hand to pull away, and I shifted on my side only to settle back into the mattress, clinging to my pillow. I heard a soft chuckle before the hand rested on my shoulder, giving me a small nudge. Its owner leaned down and brought his face close to my ear.

"Mornin', darlin'," he whispered.

A sleepy smile tugged at my lips as I slowly peeled my eyes open. Clad in only his black boxer briefs, Striker was perched on the edge of the bed calmly watching me wake up. The first light of dawn peeked through my bedroom window and shone gently on his features, and he grinned when I finally looked up at him.

I lifted my hand and laid it on his bare chest, my fingertips following the grooves of the deep scars carved into his skin. My smile faded when the realization hit me:

"You have to go?"

He nodded, his hand covering mine and giving it a squeeze. "Yeah."

I pursed my lips, my chest tightening at the thought of his impending absence. "Can I see you off?"

A small frown tugged at his lips. "I don't think that's a good idea, darlin'."

I pushed myself up on my elbow, my brows furrowed in confusion. "Why? I can't even walk you to the terminal?"

Striker looked down at the floor. "I don't wanna risk anyone seein' me with you on my way to a job. I could be followed." He shook his head. "It's bad enough that I come here so often."

A knot formed in my stomach at his words. "Are you . . . Are you not going to come see me anymore?"

"That's not what I said," he retorted, a slight edge in his voice. He sighed and leaned forward, propping his elbows on his knees. "I got too many enemies in my line of work, (Y/N). And a lot of 'em will try to get to me any way they can. If I'm not careful . . . "

He trailed off, and his frown curved downward into a deep grimace. He shook his head again, this time appearing to try to banish the thoughts creeping into his mind, then pushed himself to his feet.

"I'm not gonna let you be a target," he said in a low voice before leaving to go to the bathroom.

The knot in my stomach grew bigger as I sat on the edge of the bed. I clutched the sheets to my chest, a shiver racking my body when the cool air hit my bare skin. I bit my lip and watched the open the doorway, eventually hearing the toilet flush and the water run.

My eyes fell to my discarded pair of panties still on the floor. I shifted to the side and bent down to reach for them, then stopped. I pulled the covers off of my tail and attempted a little experiment; though it took a bit of concentration, I slithered the end of my tail onto the floor toward the garment. The pointed tip of my tail had just started to slip through one of the leg holes when Striker returned to the bedroom.

"What're you doin'?"

"Trying to get my underwear," I said, my tongue sticking out slightly in concentration.

He watched me for a second, then chuckled and scooped up the pair with his own tail as he approached me. "Y'almost had 'em."

I raised an eyebrow, admittedly a little disappointed he didn't let me pick them up myself. But I smirked and lifted my leg toward him, looking at him expectantly.

Come Hell or High Water - Striker x Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now