128. As Good a Time As Any

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"Marry me."

I froze, pushing myself up to look at him, carefully watching his features in bewilderment. "What did you just say?"

Striker stared at me for a moment while he panted, apparently realizing what he'd just said, then let out a small, almost bashful chuckle.

"I, uh, I meant to do this later," he said, scooping up his jeans from the floor with the spearhead of his tail and digging through the pockets until he found what he was looking for.

"But . . . heh, I reckon now's as good a time as any."

He tossed his jeans aside and presented me with a plain black ring box.

"(Y/N)," he started softly, still out of breath from our passion. "Will you marry me?"

My stomach flipped as he opened the box to reveal the ring he'd chosen: The band was a silvery white gold, with a red faceted stone set between two intertwining serpents carved into the precious metal, and how the silver snakes twisted and entangled themselves closely resembled a lover's knot.

My stomach flipped as he opened the box to reveal the ring he'd chosen: The band was a silvery white gold, with a red faceted stone set between two intertwining serpents carved into the precious metal, and how the silver snakes twisted and entangl...

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"Oh, my God," I muttered, my hand flying to my mouth.

"Marry me, (Y/N)," he repeated. "Say yes."

Tears pricked my eyes, and I nodded, barely able to fully answer him: "Y-Ye—Yes. . ."

A breathless smile tugged at Striker's lips, and he pulled the ring out of its box and took my trembling hand, gently slipping the ring onto my finger. He stared down at it for a second or two, something in his eyes that I couldn't quite read, then pressed his lips to my knuckles before planting a firm kiss on my mouth.

An emotional sob bubbled in my chest, and I broke off the kiss and quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, sniffling and blinking back tears. "I love you so much . . . !"

I heard Striker sigh in contentment as he returned my embrace, holding my head in his hand and kissing my temple. "I want you to be mine, darlin'," he murmured. "And I just couldn't wait any longer to claim you."

A wide, happy smile crawled across my face, and I released my lover to kiss him again and look down at my engagement ring. Striker laid a hand on the side of my face and softly pressed his lips to my forehead, his fingers weaving themselves through my hair.

"It's beautiful, Striker," I said, my misty eyes still fixed on the ring on my finger. I giggled to myself. "I guess this is why it took you a little longer to get home."

Striker grinned, resting his forehead on mine. "I told you I'd bring you back a souvenir," he replied, holding my hand and turning the ring from side to side on my finger to show the sparkle of the red stone in the center.

"Well, this is definitely not what I thought you meant," I remarked with another giggle. "I just—I can't believe you actually. . ."

Striker's grin widened as he lifted a hand and gingerly wiped the tears from my lashes with his thumb. "I made up my mind just before I left," he said. "I commissioned the jeweller soon as I got to Envy, and I waited another week after I'd finished my job for it to get done." He shook his head slightly. "I wanted to come home and show you so bad,"—he kissed me firmly on the mouth—"I wanted to come home so fuckin' bad, darlin'—"

He cut himself off when he smashed his lips into mine again, tightly clutching my frame while he kissed me passionately. I mewled at his actions and, realizing that he was still very much inside me, shifted my hips just enough for him to notice.

One of Striker's hands immediately fell to my hip, squeezing my flesh and pushing me back down on his cock. A low moan escaped his throat, his nails digging in my skin, and, without breaking our kiss, he stood and turned to lay me flat on the mattress. He loomed over me, still kissing me hard, holding my face in his hands as he began to move again.

"Striker," I sighed, sparks of pleasure surging through me from his steady thrusts.

He peered down at me, pausing for a brief moment, and smiled softly. With a feather's touch, he gently pecked away the remnants of my tears, then planted a tender kiss on my lips.

"I love you," he murmured. He slipped his hand into mine, lacing our fingers together and pinning it down to the mattress beside my head. He lowered his free hand to my womanhood, tracing circles over my clit as his member slowly stroked my sweet spot.

I moaned at his touch, my body quivering from both my emotions and my arousal. Weaving my fingers into his snowy hair, I turned my head to the side to grant him better access to my neck. Striker seized the opportunity, planting long, open-mouthed kisses on my flushed neck and collarbone. He picked up his pace, his grip on my hand growing a little tighter.

"Striker—Striker!" I whimpered, clinging to him as I felt myself nearing the edge.

"Come for me, my darlin'," he said breathlessly in my ear. "I want you to come."

His hot breath on my skin threw me over the precipice, and I cried out in pleasure, my back arching and my limbs tightening around him. I twitched and shuddered beneath him, moaning and gasping into his shoulder while I rode out the euphoric high of my orgasm.

"Yes, darlin'," he whispered, a satisfied smile crawling up his face. He retracted his hand from my clit and clutched the bedsheets beside me. His breath grew heavier, and I could tell by the quickening of his pace and the sloppiness of his thrusts that he was close.

Striker rammed into me again before suddenly stiffening, groaning loudly through clenched teeth. He panted heavily into the crook of my neck, tilting his head to lean against mine. His frame sank down, melting and sprawling out over mine, and he wrapped his arm around me, holding the back of my head in his palm.

"I love you," he panted in my ear, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

I beamed in response, laying my hand on his shoulder blade. "I love you, Striker."

Striker raised his head, his vibrant yellow eyes travelling to my hand still entwined with his. He lifted it from the mattress, turning it to see the ring he had placed on my finger. He stared at it for a while, his eyes softening, then rested his head on my chest with a tired sigh.

"Are you alright?" I asked quietly, combing my fingers through his messy white locks.

Still catching his breath, he smiled in contentment, and his eyes fluttered closed as he fully relaxed on top of me.

"I'm better than I've been in a long time, darlin'."

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