110. Forsaken

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This chapter contains mild gore and violent content that may be disturbing or troubling to some readers. Please proceed with caution.


"All my grief says the same thing: 'This isn't how it's supposed to be.' And the world laughs, holds my hope by the throat, and says: 'But this is how it is.'"

— Fortesa Latifi


Striker had almost fallen asleep when he heard a crashing noise outside the house, and he groggily pushed himself up in bed and peeked out his small bedroom window.

He froze. A group of tall, armored demons with torches and various weapons gathered around his neighbors' house. One of them had thrown a large rock through a window, and another kicked at the front door until it finally gave in. Some of the demons brandished their long swords and charged into the house, and Striker could just hear his neighbors' screams pierce the walls of his bedroom.

He sprang to his feet and hurried out of his room. "Mom!" he called as he entered the living room, but stopped when he saw his mother standing at the window watching the scene unfold next door.

Lillie entered the room behind Striker, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "What's goin' on, Momma? I heard noises, and then Striker started yellin'—"

Their mother suddenly pulled the curtain over the window to hide from the view of anyone outside, and the three jumped when a fist banged repeatedly on their front door, causing Lillie to yelp in fright. The serpent demon's eyes widened in panic, and she stood transfixed for just a brief moment before turning to her children.

"Striker," she started, her voice shaking from fear. "You and Lillie sneak out the backdoor. I want you to take Bombproof and get out of town as quick as possible."

Striker's stomach rolled at her demand. "No," he refuted. "Mom, I'm not leavin' you here. I can help fight 'em off, and—"

Both Lillie and their mother flinched when what they assumed was a booted foot began slamming against the door in an attempt to force it open.

"Striker." She roughly took her son by the shoulders, staring into those eyes that so resembled hers. "Look at me, baby. Don't try to be a hero. Don't try to fight 'em—you're not just lookin' after yourself now. Take your sister and just go. Run as far away from here as you can."


"Just stay alive, baby. Both of you." She quickly wrapped her arms around her children and gave them each a kiss on the cheek. "I love you. Now go."

Striker hesitantly backed away from his mother, who flashed him a bittersweet smile, then grabbed Lillie by the wrist and led her out of the living room down the hallway.

"Wait!" Lillie fought against Striker's grip and reached out for their mother. "Momma, wait—!"

The two heard the front door finally being smashed off its hinges, and Striker immediately pulled Lillie into his arms at the sound, clapping a hand over her mouth. He pressed himself to the wall in the hallway, his body going rigid when he heard heavy footsteps entering the house.

"Who the hell are you?" their mother snarled.

"We have orders to strip this town," said one of the intruders. "The royal family wants to expand the mines."

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