Chapter Fifteen

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Two hours went by, and everyone was laughing.

"Hey, let's play seven minutes in heaven!" A girl screamed loudly, and the others immediately agreed.

"What are we, twelve?" Someone yelled out and laughter followed.

Everyone put their names in a hat and started drawing. Without anyone looking Evan slipped away and went to the punch bowl, making sure no one was looking, then poured a full bottle of Vodka. He slipped the empty bottle back into his jacket and quickly stirred it. Then walked back to the group to play the game.

"Where did you go?" Mila asked him as he became comfortable on the ground.

"Bathroom." Was all he said to her as he smiled.

"Bro, it's your turn." One of the boys nodded his head at Evan to pull from the hat.

Scooting in the middle he closed his eyes and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Mila held her breath watching as he unfolded it slowly. A smirk graced his lips.

"Dude! Don't leave us hanging, who'd you get?"

Evan looked right at her and grinned. Pulling the paper up for everyone to see, her name was displayed in her own handwriting. Heat flushed her cheeks as he said,

"Mila, care to join me in the closet for a seven minute make out session?"

People hollered and laughed as he pulled her to stand up with him and before she knew it, they were alone in the broom closet, the light dangling over their heads.

"Not exactly how I pictured our first kiss, but I guess it will do." He shrugged.

She didn't know what to say to that, so she didn't say anything at all. Her heart started to pound in her chest, her blood rushing through her veins as he leaned in closer, making her breath hitch right before his lips gently landed on hers.

Her first reaction was that it was nice. But there wasn't any sparks or electricity in the kiss, and she figured that maybe it was just a late reaction since she was so nervous. But as time went on, she still didn't feel any overwhelming desire or blankness that she had with Jared.

Pulling her body close he tries to deepen the kiss. She allowed him in a bit, but it was messier than it was anything else. Someone starts banging on the door, making her jump away from him. He sighed heavily, feeling irritated that time was already up. Mila felt relieved and something told her that wasn't what she should be feeling if she was dating the person that kissed her in the first place.

Feeling more disappointed than thrilled about the kiss they leave the closet to another round of hollering and obnoxious hooting.

When the fifth couple went in the closet, with hooting and cheers going around, people just kept getting glass after glass of the punch. Most of them started getting goofy and falling all over themselves laughing at anything and everything.

"Thirsty?" Evan asked Mila, laughing at a guy tripping over the couch and falling, laughing his ass off.

"Sure." Mila replied wondering what was wrong with the people that seemed a little too relaxed.

When Evan gave her the cup full of punch, she took a drink and wrinkled her nose staring down at the liquid. It didn't taste too bad, but she never had punch that tasted quite like this before. Shrugging her shoulders she takes a big gulp, noticing that it only made her thirstier for more.

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