Mila slowly wakes up and smiles to herself.
Jared was lying next to her, and he was holding her as it he was afraid to let go. He had one arm draped over her body while his face was buried in her neck. She laid there awake for some time thinking of their future ahead. She couldn't believe that he was here with her. That he was now hers and will always be hers.
She thinks of their growing baby and like she always does first thing in the morning since she found out, lays a hand on her belly. Jared's hand went slowly over hers then whispers tenderly, "Mine." Then sighs in pleasure. "All mine."
Her smile becomes huge. "Mine too." She softly says to him back.
He starts to nuzzle her neck making her shiver in delight. "I was talking about both of you." he tells her.
"Oh, well in that case, yes it's all yours." She turns over to look at him. "It will always be yours." She whispers.
Jared leans in with a deep kiss that nearly took her breath away. He carefully lays on top of her without breaking the kiss. She could feel the hard erection pressing into her thigh and she immediately went up in flames. He made slow love to her, exploring each other's bodies and discovering their secret pleasures. They couldn't seem to get enough. When they were sated and relaxed and had to again put their undergarments back on, they just laid in bed as Mila watches Jared kiss and strokes her belly, his face in wonder that a tiny human being they created was inside there tucked away safely.
She plays with the hair at the back of his nape. "So have you thought of names?" he asks.
She chuckles. "No, not really, barely found out myself. Besides we have another eight month's to figure that out." She tells him.
"What? You're telling me you never thought about what name you would want your children to have someday when you were a teenager?" he asks a bit shocked.
"Well there is one name I always knew I wanted to give for a boy."
He looks at her. "What is it?"
Her eyes became filled with love. "Cale, after my grandpa."
Jared grins. "That's funny because that's exactly what I was going to name my son if I ever had one."
Mila beams at that. "Good it's settled then, if we have a boy his name will be Cale Arthur Cooper."
He liked the sound of that. "What about a girl?"
"I don't know." She states seriously.
"We'll think of one." He leans up to give her another kiss.
She suddenly sits up and groans as a strong wave of nausea hits her with a force.
He looks at her with concern. "What's wrong?"
"Now here comes the fun part of being pregnant." She quickly gets out of bed and rushes to the toilet and throws up.
Jared quickly follows and knelt down next to her with a worried look. Her body racked with the convulsions of the process of puking. The bedroom door slams open with Selena and Ian both rushing in.
"Who's dying?" Ian looks around the room.
Selena looks down at them and sees Mila over the toilet spilling out her guts and Jared next to her rubbing her back while keeping her hair out of the way. It was actually adorable, other than the puking that is. And the thing was they were both in their underwear. Ian comes next to her and before he was able to look in, the door gets slammed in their faces.
"What the-"
"Yeah right, like I'm going to let you see my girl half naked?" Jared yells through the closed door.
"Oh...well then." Ian then turns and walks away leaving a smiling Selena behind.
"I guess she's in good hands?" She asks.
She hears Jared scoff. "I'm going to kill you for that." She hears him mumble.
Laughing she too walks out.
After an hour of cleaning herself up, taking a shower, and getting her clothes on, Mila walks out of the bathroom feeling nausea free and refreshed. Jared wasn't in the room, but it looked like he picked up and made her bed. She walks up to it to find a small black box lying on her pillow. Her heart races at the possibility of what it might be.
Slowly picking it up she opens it. Inside was the most beautiful sapphire diamond ring she had ever seen. It looked old fashioned and maybe worth a very expensive penny. When had he gotten this? How did he find the time to buy her something so beautiful?
As the questions build up in her mind she didn't hear him walk up behind her, "It belonged to my grandmother." he says softly.
She turns around quickly and almost collided with him. He grabs a hold of her to keep her steady but decided to not let go. "I brought that with me because I knew I wanted you to be with me forever." He softly takes a trendle of her hair and brushes it back away from her face.
Tears again swell in her eyes. "You had already planned to do this? Before you knew I would take you as mine?" Her voice wobbles.
"There was never any choice about it Mila, once you said you were in love with me I knew right then that I was never going to let you go. You're mine now. " He whispers.
Mila looks down at the ring "Was this Stacy's?" She couldn't help herself asking him.
He smiles. "No, I never gave her this ring."
Looking back up at him she asks, "Why"
He takes the ring out of the box and holds it up to her face. "This ring has been in my family for generations; it symbolizes the love that has been passed down. Whoever wore it had a happy and wonderful marriage. There was only ever one woman I only wanted to give this too and it wasn't Stacy."
He takes her left hand and stares into her eyes. "Mila I love you; I've always loved you since the first day that I saw you, you completely drove me insane everyday wanting you and never thought that one day you would actually love me in return, never thought that we would be starting a family together, never thought I would be asking you this very important question. I mean I fantasied it, but didn't think it would actually be real."
He goes down on one knee. "Will you marry me?"
She stares at him. She couldn't possibly love someone as much as she loved him. She knows that now. "Oh Jared, I think I've always been in love you. I just never understood the feelings I have. I was always confused when it came to you, your friendship meant more to me than anything else when we were kids, and if I had to be true to myself," She also goes down on her knees.
"The reason I left six years ago was because I thought I had lost you; it wasn't about Evan or Kristan having a baby, it was because I couldn't bear the thought of never having you as my friend anymore. I thought about you all the time, always compared you to my guy friends that I had made here, always wonder what you would say or do-"
Jared shuts her up with a deep passionate kiss. For a few moments they knelt there kissing until they finally broke apart and Jared whispers against her lips, "You never answered me."
With a huge beaming smile on her lips she whispers back, "Yes Jared, I will definitely marry you."

It Was Always You
RomanceTwo best friends. One girl. Two sudden rivals. She never wanted to come between them. But they didnt give her a choice. One was hopelessly in love. The other just wanted to have a good time. Unitl he caught feelings too. Now it was a battle to win h...