Chapter Twenty One

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Jared looked around at the seats and was actually shocked to see it so full. "Where do we sit?" He asked Chelsea.

When she didn't answer he looks over to find her silently laughing at him. "What?" He asks incredulously.

Shaking her head, she states, "You."

"What about me?"

They slowly walk up the stairs to find seats. "It's so clear you don't want to watch this movie. You should see the look on your face." She chuckles a little.

He smiles. "Seen it twice already."

"I haven't seen it at all, but didn't really care too." She shrugs.

He laughs. "Well its going to be a great date then, huh?"

"Oh definitely, considering the only available double seats is those four next to each other." She points somewhere in the middle making Jared look around to see only single seats every so often.

He then smiles even bigger. "Perfect."

Chelsea laughs good naturally. "Come on loverboy. Let's go ruin your girl's date."

"She's not my girl." He mumbles and they start ushering themselves to the seats.

They sat down and adjusted the drinks and popcorn. Jared couldn't help it but kept looking at the entrance.

"She was jealous you know."

He looks over to her. "How do you know that? She didn't look jealous to me."

Rolling her eyes she sighs dramatically. "Men are so blind." Then she frowns. "But I guess women are too." She shifts towards him a little. "I know by hearing it in the tone of her voice and the look in her eyes. You forget that I know Mila as well."

She studies him for a moment and smiles. "Oh come on, you know you want to smile at that so go ahead."

He breaks out in a grin his heart swelling at the possibility of Mila being jealous of them. Chelsea was momentarily speechless. He was too handsome for his own good. She doesn't see how Mila could choose someone like Evan over someone like this guy or anyone else for that matter. It was a good thing she didn't see him in that way, otherwise her heart would be broken at this very moment. Because it was clear to her that Mila was the only girl in his line of vision.

Jared looks over and sees Evan and Mila walking in. He holds his breath and waited for them to realize where they had to sit. He tried so hard not to look their way and focus on the screen that was still showing advertisements, but it was really hard to do. Chelsea on the other hand was looking out the corner of her eye watching them carefully.

When Mila finally saw where the available seats were she was exasperated to see the two people she had hoped to avoid for the rest of the night. What were the damn odds they would be seeing the same damn movie as well? Sighing she taps Evan's shoulder and points in their direction. When Evan finally spotted them he smiles and pulls her along with him as he says,

"Come on Mila, Let's go join them."

"Do we have a choice?" She mumbles to herself knowing full well they didn't, not if they wanted to sit together anyways.

Once they reached them Evan sat down next to Jared. "Should have known it would be this movie you were going to watch." He laughs.

"Yeah well, Chelsea hasn't seen it and wanted too."

The girl in question looks over at them and saw the seating arrangement. She suddenly came up with a great idea. She begins moving around in her own seat and sighed heavily as if she was annoyed. She kept doing it until she got Jared's attention.

"Okay, what's wrong?" He asks with eyebrows raised.

"I can't get comfortable in this seat." She whines looking over at him.

She saw it went her, then Jared, then Evan with Mila last. But she was going to change that without any of them figuring out what she was doing. "Jared, could we switch seats please?"

He frowns as he gets up and swaps seats, but her seat was no different than his previous one, so he didn't understand why she found it so uncomfortable. For a moment it seemed like everything was going alright as the previews started to play. Then she starts doing it again. Squirming and sighing dramatically.

She then looks to Mila and asks, "Could I try your seat?"

Mila looks to her and frowns, but shrugs. "Sure if its more comfortable for you."

They then switch seats again. Chelsea pretends to test it out and sighs happily. "This is more like it." She looks over smiling to see Evan staring at her with an expressionless look. "Oh, this won't do at all. Do you mind switching seats with Jared?"

He rolls his eyes. "Geez where did you find this one?" He mumbles as once again they switch seats.

Everyone sat there quietly waiting to see what would happen next but Chelsea smiles as she looks at the big screen settling in her spot with a mental pat on the back as she has the seating to where it was now her, Jared, Mila and then Evan. Perfect, she was able to get Jared and Mila to sit next to each other without it looking suspicious.

Jared kept frowning however until he looks over to see Mila right next to him now. She gives him a small smile before turning to the screen as the movie starts playing. Looking away he couldn't help the slow grin to appear on his face as he realizes what Chelsea had done. He slightly looks over to her and she gives a cheeky grin back making him shake his head. Getting comfortable they all watch the movie sitting quietly as it played.

At one point he was beginning to fall asleep feeling completely bored of it. He ended sharing his popcorn and soda with Evan who didn't even bother to buy his own. Did he even ask to see if Mila maybe wanted something? He tried to ask her, but she shook her head, declining. Reaching over she whispers,

"That's your treat with your date. You shouldn't have to share with another's."

After that they kept hitting their arms against each other and at one point they got so tired of constantly saying sorry that they just shared the arm rest. The contact made his entire right side tingle from the action of touching her arm with his. Eventually Evan put his arm around her shoulders, drawing her a bit close to him.

And that was when Jared started being a pest.

"Evan, come with me to the snack bar." He starts to stand.

"What? But we're in the middle of the movie." He whispers back, looking put out.

"Dude, we've seen this three times now. You're not going to miss anything you haven't seen already."

Evan gave an exasperated sigh and followed him out to the concession stand. "Oh, hey I have to use the restroom." Jared quickly states as he walks casually to the bathroom.

"Seriously?" Evan rolled his eyes again feeling the impatience coming on.

Jared decided to take his sweet time with the toilet urinating as slow as he could then washing his hands that seemed to have taken forever as if he had all the time in the world. Since Evan was still waiting out in the hall for him he decided to check his hair, adjust it in a few places, smoothed his eyebrows, making impressions in the mirror, then checking his teeth. Doing things he normally wouldn't spend much time with.

He figured he been in there long enough and walked out.

"About time, what were you doing in there taking a double shit or something? Five more minutes I would have called security thinking there was something wrong with you."

They started walking towards the snack bar. "Sorry man, let's just say I've been holding it in for a while and couldn't hold it any longer."

Jared then stops and secretly smiles. "Oh wow."

"Oh you have got to be shitting me right now." Evan looked incredulous as they stare at all the lines being completely packed.

"Let's get in line before someone else snags a spot. It's a good thing we've already seen the movie." Jared says a little too happily.

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