Chapter Sixteen

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"Ian, come here for a moment." Selena walks into the den of Mila's house and waited for her boyfriend to follow.

As soon as he walked in she quickly shuts the double wooden glass doors as he asks, "What's up?"

Making sure that no one was around to hear them, like they even could with the loud music pounding in the air, she turns to look at him with worry written all over her face. "Mila is gone. I can't find her anywhere."

He frowns at that, seeing the concern in her eyes as he begins to absently rub her arm to try and calm her down. "She's not in the bathroom or her room?"

She shakes her head. "I think someone spiked the punch."

"Yeah, I just got a taste of it. There's definitely alcohol in that." He lifts the cup still in his hand making a grimace as he puts it down on a high end table in the corner of the room.

"How would you know?" She eyes him suspiciously.

"I've drank before Sel, I'm not a saint or perfect."

She smiles, shaking her head before she becomes sober once more. "Mila has never drank before and I'm pretty sure she's drunk." She goes to sit down heavily on the sofa that was in there against the wall, playing with the string on her shirt in worry.

"Don't worry babe. I'll go look for her, okay." He walks up to her taking her face gently in his hands and kisses her lightly on the lips.

"That better be all you're doing." A voice rings out by the window on the other side.

They both jump at being caught and quickly look over in surprise to see Jared poking his head through the open window.

"Jared?!" Selena jumps off the couch and ran over to him. "What are you doing here? And why are you at the window?" She asks with a frown.

He puts a foot through the opening while shifting Mila's body more firmly in his arms as he tries to get through the window altogether. Selena gasps when she realizes that he was carrying her best friend in his arms, who was completely passed out.

"Mila?! How did you find her?" She quickly opened the window further and moved aside so he could get in with less difficulty.

Ian quickly came to help him. "Here give her to me." He states reaching out as Jared reluctantly places her in his arms.

"What happened to her? Is she okay?" Her tone sounded concerned once she sees that Mila was unconscious, but snoring.

"She'll be fine Sel." He quickly jumps through the window now that the burden of her weight was lifted, and he can move easier. He turns to close the window, lock it, then shuts the curtains all within seconds hoping the neighbors didn't see him carrying a drunk Mila.

"Where was she?" Selena asks, pointing Ian on where he could lay the girl down.

"She went to our house." Jared deadpans watching Ian gently placing Mila on the sofa.

His sister looks back at him with wide eyes. "Why?" She sounded a bit confused and a little shocked that she had slipped from the house in that condition without anyone knowing.

"To be more precise she went to my window and decided to wake me up from a dead sleep just so she could yell at me." His tone was completely flat as he said that.

Ian started laughing as Selena swatted him on the arm to hush him up. Looking back to her brother she asks, "Now why would she do that?"

"I don't know, maybe it was because she's drunk." He said to her sarcastically with a little heat of anger.

"Yeah, someone spiked the punch. Didn't even know about it until now." Ian nodded towards the cup that he had left on the table earlier.

Jared walks over to it and smelled it contents, then he took a sip. His face scrunched at the foul taste of it. "Vodka."

"How do you know what alcohol it is?" Selena asked in wonder.

"Little sister, once you have rounds of alcohol of different types it's not hard to distinguish between them from each other." He puts the cup back down. "I see the party is still going on."

A new song starts playing to an even higher beat, cheers and laughter follows making the place even more loud and chaotic.

"Yeah, I'm ready for it to be over already." She sounded exhausted with her shoulders slumping a bit.

He checks the time showing it was now one in the morning. How the hell haven't the neighbors call the police yet from all the ruckus? And he wondered if Mila's parents had tried to call at all and must be worried that their daughter hasn't picked up once.

"Did anybody even notice she was gone?" he asks with a scowl.

"Just me." His sister huffed, crossing her arms looking irritated.

"Not even Evan has asked about her or where she went off too." Ian pitched in, looking just as annoyed.

Jared walks out of the den saying, "Keep an eye on her. She might throw up."

Both Selena and Ian quickly back away from the sofa as they looked down just as Mila made a gagging motion. "Maybe we should get her a bucket." Ian mumbles as he takes another step back.

Jared walked in between people wondering who they all were and where they all came from. Most of them he didn't even recognize, and he was pretty sure they all didn't go to the same high school. Some of them did notice him, however. When they saw him they slapped him on the shoulders or back as he slips by them, not giving them the attention they sought. They seemed happy to see him as they called out his name completely wasted.

He searched the crowd until he spotted the one person he was looking for. Anger flashed inside him, and he gritted his teeth with a dark look on his face. There Evan was flirting with some girl while Mila was passed out unnoticeably missing from her own party and all he was doing was having the time of his life while sweet talking to a girl that definitely wasn't his girlfriend.

He was about to walk over to him and give him a piece of his mind when someone slammed into him hard.

"Jared! I am soooo happy that you came!" Kristan slurs loudly in his ear.

The stench of alcohol coming from her breath was all he needed to know that she was flat out drunk like everyone else. He tried his best to pull away from her when she presses her body against him seductively while rubbing her hands all over his person that she could reach.

Taking a hold of her hands he carefully pushes her away not wanting her to stumble and fall. "Kristan, you're drunk." He couldn't help to recoil from her advances.

He sighs heavily seeing that she wore way too much makeup to make herself look older. One day she was going to get herself into deep trouble by pretending to be someone she wasn't. It didn't help of what she had on either. How the hell was she able to leave the house looking like that without either of her parents noticing?

She wobbles a bit closer to him, their bodies once again meshed together as people bumped into them. "Jared. I was thinking..." She takes a hand and lowers it until she reached his pants right between his legs.

Snatching her hand away from him he squeezes a bit too hard making her scrunch up her nose and saying, "Ow."

"Don't ever do that again Kristan." He seethes with anger and disbelief that she could be so bold.

"Oh come on." She whines in a pout trying to act cute. "I'll do anything you want." She loudly whispers probably thinking she sounded desirable when all she did was slur her words and stumbled over herself.

Taking her shoulders and placing her well away from him he looks her in the eyes and sternly states, "Listen to me now. I don't like you in that way. I never liked you in that way. Never have, never will. So stay the hell away from me."

With that he lets her go and fades into the crowd.

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