Chapter Thirty Nine

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Mila's body ached as she slowly opens her eyes. Someone had an arm draped over her and she didn't understand why. She was also sore in places that she had never been sore before. She looks over her shoulder and her eyes widen as everything that happened the night before came back to her full throttle. Jared was completely dead to the world, and she knew he was going to be very upset when he wakes up to find them both naked together.

He was drunk last night, and she had completely took advantage of that. Regardless that she herself had been intoxicated. She covers her face with her hands. She was a horrible person! Here she was laying with an almost married man. Her eyes pop open. Stacy! She almost groaned aloud, what had she done? She slowly and carefully moves away from him without trying to wake him up.

She tiptoed to where her clothes were. "Shit!" She whispers.

Where the hell were her underwear? She quickly puts her clothes on, thinking she'll look for them later. She nearly freezes when Jared makes a noise and rolls over, but he doesn't wake up. She sighs in relief. She was about to move away when suddenly something catches her eye.

"Oh no." she mouths in total to dismay and embarrassment because when Jared moved he revealed a dark red stain that could only be her virgin blood. What was she going to do the now? She couldn't very well leave it there. What will her parents think if they chance upon it? It was a very big stain, not really hard to miss. She didn't think She had bled so much!

She quickly went into one of the closets in the den and took out the carpet cleaner and a fresh new rag. She slowly kneels next e to him and quickly sprays the substance on the stain. She rubs vigorously while looking up every now and then at him to make sure he wouldn't wake up. She nearly cries out in her frustration when the damn spot wouldn't go away. She freezes again when Jared lays on his back and she couldn't help but stare at his beautiful body that was barely covered by the small blanket. One more inch down and his manhood would be uncovered.

Her eyes travel from that spot where glorious black curly hair started and traveled upward where the hair trailed slightly to almost his belly button, over expanse of smooth skin covering hard muscle to a bare smooth bronze chest. She felt her womanly parts flare up just by looking at him. He could be a model if he wanted do. Then she looks up at his face. He looked so peaceful. Pain shot through her chest as the realization that he wasn't hers and most likely never will be with her. He belonged to Stacy and what happened here should not be repeated.

She just hopes he wouldn't remember anything, although, he was naked and at her house. If he asks maybe she'll just lie and make something up. Yeah right, she was a horrible liar. Jared's not stupid. Maybe she'll go back to Arizona for a little while longer just until he marries and moves away or something, as soon as her grandfather was safe from the surgery and back home.


She gave up on the stain, gets up and slowly and quietly leaves the room. She goes into the kitchen. It was only six in the morning and the surgery didn't start until nine. She went up to her room and quickly took a shower then got dressed. She heard her parents downstairs talking. Her heart raced. She really did hope they don't go in the den and find Jared. Questions would arise and she couldn't have that. She leaves her room quickly and ushers her parents out of the house.

"What about breakfast?" Her mother asks.

"I thought we could go out and eat, you know before papa's surgery." She tells her as they get into the car.

"What's the rush Mila?" Her father asks suspiciously.

"There's no rush. I'm just really hungry that's all." She gets in the car and didn't let out her pent up breath until they were safely on the freeway.

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