Chapter Seven

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Evan had promised her that they would have their talk after he got home later that night. In the meantime she got Shasta up and ready for school, made her breakfast and her lunch before walking her out to the bus stop that came right in front of the property. She had gotten the little girl's daily schedule of what is to be expected to take care of her from Selena when she had gotten hired, and she's went over it so much she knew it by heart now.

Due to her only being in kindergarten she gets out earlier than the rest of the kids so while waiting for the time to go pick her up from the bus stop she cleans her room, clean the kitchen and take out meat to thaw for dinner later. She knew she was only needing to take care of Shasta, but it didn't seem right for Evan to come home from working all day just for him needing to take care of everything else at home.

When she got done she headed back to her little house in the backyard to relax, call my mom on her wellbeing and watch a little TV. It felt weird having so much free time on her hands when she was used to working two to three shifts nearly every day. Looking over at the time she quickly went to the main house to get ready to head out to the front to get Shasta from the bus stop.

As soon as she reached the back door she falters when a movement inside caught her attention. Tensing in alarm she racks her brain on whether she had set the alarm system, which she was sure she did. Her house had the system as well so if anyone had broken in it would inform her immediately, which it didn't.

Quickly opening the door quietly, she rushes through the kitchen to grab a knife as she prepares to call 911 when a tall woman in a very expensive skintight black dress walks through causing them both to jerk to a stop and a small squeak to come from her throat. Staring wide eyed at that young woman she could sense a definite rich vibe coming off her. With long sleek black hair, skin glowing, makeup to perfection regardless of the apparent boob job and lip plumping has been done, she was a very beautiful woman.

And very young.

"Who the fuck are you?" Was her first snappy response.

The hostility was immediate, and she didn't care too much for her tone. Straightening her shoulders she lowers the knife and snaps back, "I should be asking you that question. You're trespassing on private property without invitation."

The woman scoffs, placing a hand on her too thin hip and gives eyes that could smolder her to ashes right on the spot.

"I have more right to be here than you do. And judging by what you're wearing it seems you lost your way around the block. The shabby part of town is further south, sweetheart. Leave before I call the authorities on you for breaking and entering."

Instant anger snaps inside her as she clutches the handle of the knife tighter. "I think you're mistaken, sweetheart. I live here and you definitely don't. So whose breaking and entering?"

Who the hell was this chick and why was she making demands as if she had every right to do so? Was this Evan's girlfriend? Friend? Ex? Whoever she was, she was starting to really piss her off. And she'll find out whether or not she had any right to barge into his house while he wasn't home.

"I can enter here anytime I want considering this is my daughter's home."

That brought Isabel up real fast. This was Shasta's mother? It was strange as the child didn't really look anything like her. Maybe it was all the makeup and plastic surgery she had gone under to make her look different. When she envisioned her it definitely wasn't this that she was picturing. And the attitude! She desperately hoped Shasta doesn't get influenced by it when she gets older.

Ignoring her statement she walks away from her to head out the front door.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

Opening the door wide she looks back at her with a straight serious face. "Shasta's bus is about to arrive, so I have to be there to pick her up. But I'm not leaving you here alone in this house so please leave."

Fire flashes in the woman's eyes as she crosses her arms in defiance. "Oh, you must be the new babysitter he's hired." She then scoffs. "Figures he would hire someone he could fuck."

The words causes her shoulders to stiffen as the anger rises higher in her blood. Taking slow steps towards her she just smirks evilly. "Trust me, he just hired you so he can sleep with you. One look at you and he thought you're just a potential fuck while taking care of my daughter in the process. You'll be gone quicker than all the others."

Isabel was ready to snap that it wasn't Evan that hired her but before anything could be said her cell begins ringing in her pocket. Rolling her eyes at her she quickly answers her phone without looking at it, not caring who it was if it gave her the excuse not to talk to this awful person. To think a precious, sweet little girl came out of her.


"Hey, how's everything going?" Evan's voice rang in her ear causing a spark of joy to hit her chest.

"I'm heading out to get Shasta right now."

A slight pause on the other end. "Is everything alright?" His tone turned to one of concern.

Not bothering to face the woman any longer she starts walking down the driveway to the front gates. "Yeah, everything is fine." She couldn't help the slight stiffness in her own tone.

"What's wrong?" he immediately asks.

Looking behind her to make sure she wasn't being followed she sighs deeply seeing the front door closed with no one standing there now. "I just got a nice little surprise visit just now."

Another pause, then a deep sigh of his own. "Damn it. I was hoping we had that talk before you met her. Is she being rude to you?"

"Of course. But I'm not going to let her get to me. I could tell she's doing it on purpose. However, now that she's here why isn't she the one picking up Shasta?" She thought as she opens the side gate and heads for the drop off spot.

He snorts at her question. "There's so much I have to tell you. I'll send Selena over to make her leave."

"No, you don't have to do that. I'll can take care of it."

"Are you sure? She can be pretty nasty sometimes."

She couldn't help the smile that crept on her face, seeing the school bus down the road. "I'm sure. Trust me when I say she's isn't the first crazy baby mama I had to deal with."

He chuckles. "I'm definitely looking forward to hear that story."

A warmth seeps through her at the sound of his laugh. And she desperately hoped that her story wasn't going to make him run away.

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