Sleepover Pt. 1

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Fiona and I had so much fun when I went to her house, we decided to take it a step further this time. We decided to have a sleepover.

We agreed to have it at her house. Fiona talked to (argued with, more like, according to her) her mom, and they arranged to have Freya sleeping in the guest room so she wouldn't bother us. So my mom drove me to Fiona's house two days before the end of winter break, and her mom greeted me at the door and told me Fiona was waiting upstairs. She smiled wide when she saw me walk into her bedroom, then she took my stuff and dropped it in a corner on her side of the room that she'd set up for us.

The corner had a pillow fort with some scented candles inside, a bunch of board games, snacks in boxes, more fluffy pillows, and Fiona's laptop. I'd brought mine too, but seeing this setup, I figured we wouldn't need it.

"But this is for tonight," Fiona said, carefully setting my bag and sleeping bag next to the pillow fort. "We're gonna stay up really late."

We talked for a little while to diffuse the awkwardness of seeing your friend outside of school, and once I'd gotten comfortable, I was being my usual, slightly crazy self.

"You know, I was seriously considering applying for the Harry Potter fandom when I got old enough," Fiona said at some point. "But I thought eight years of Fangirl School was way too much."

Truth to be told, I hadn't considered being in a different Fangirl School branch that much. The only time I'd given it a thought is when I was working on my Fanfiction Writing project with Lucas, and he let it slip that a girl from his class (We Find Out The Truth, Sort Of) had transferred to the Chronicles of Narnia branch because she revealed she liked it more than Percy Jackson.

"I might have transferred, but I've got an amazing best friend I can't leave behind," she said, smiling at me.

I probably should've said something really sweet and emotional back, but instead I said, "And Brandon, of course."

She turned pink. "I don't think I would've ever met Brandon unless it was through school. We were always friends online. First video games, then social media, then eventually built enough trust to exchange phone numbers. He texted me in total excitement the day all the acceptation and rejection letters came out. I texted him back that I was in too and we talked about how excited we were. I didn't even know what he looked like. You know how weird it was when I tried to find him on the first day? I texted him in class and told him to meet me at our table."

"That's why you insisted on sitting on the smallest table by the big window, and the only round one?" I asked.

"Yeah," she admitted. "Look at what that led to."

"I thought we agreed we aren't talking about them," I said gently.

"Yeah, we did," she said.

A while later, an older boy with Fiona's messy blond hair and brown eyes poked his head in.

"Mom got you guys a pizza," he said, bringing in a pizza box. "She said you can only eat here today and never again."

"Thanks, Aidan," Fiona said, taking the box.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Fiona's brother Aidan," he said to me.

"Y/N," I said, "Fiona's best friend, as you can see."

He smiled, waved, and left the room.

Fiona opened the box. It was a large (your favorite pizza).

"How did your mom know this was my favorite?" I asked, taking a slice.

She shrugged. "I swear, my mom seems to know everything about everyone, friends and otherwise."

We ate the pizza then messed around in her backyard until it got dark. Back in her room, we changed into our pajamas and did an assortment of random things: handstands, a pillow fight (using only pillows from Freya's bed), impressions of Percy Jackson characters, and made paper planes, before finally settling down into the pillow fort. We ignored the games but had just settled down when I got a text from Eloise asking me if I wanted to call. I said yes, and two seconds later my laptop was on and Eloise was on the screen.

"Y/N, you have to hear- oh, hi, Fiona- Delphine just told me she wanted to text you, but she wouldn't say why! Just wanted to let you know."

"What?" Fiona said, her jaw dropping.

Half a second later my phone buzzed, and the notification filled me with dread, hatred, and anger.

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