The POVs

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"And now, the Hunger Games begin." 

"Gosh, Walker, no need to make it sound so serious!" I said jokingly. 

He smiled and opened his mouth to reply, but then the cannons from the bloodbath began to sound. Walker and I looked at each other and began counting. 









Dead silence. 

"Eight down," I said. "That's a whole third of the tributes!" 

"I would feel pretty dumb if I died in the bloodbath," Walker said. "Imagine being one of the first to go. The Games have barely started and you've already lost." 

"It must feel pretty dumb to suddenly respawn and find out you went through all those nerves for nothing," I agreed. 

"I think we should start hunting," he said. "And find a water source; these water bottles won't last forever." 

"Good idea," I said, getting up. 

We walked. And walked. And walked. And walked. At this point, Walker really was a walker. 

Finally, we found a deer. I barely had time to admire its beauty before Walker said, "I know it's pretty, but it's either dinner or we starve." 

"Oh, alright," I said, squeezing my eyes shut as Walker pulled out his dagger.


My name is Lindsey Margaret Xenolus. I'm thirteen, and I'm in a reenactment Hunger Games. 

Dave, my District partner, and I were leading. No one had volunteered for Dave of course, unpopular as he was. My best friend tried to volunteer for me, but I wouldn't let her. 

"Hurry up, Amandine," Dave said to the District 2 girl. 

"You could be nicer," muttered the girl from District 4, the Harry Potter fandom. 

"This is the Hunger Games, Lilac, I'm not supposed to be nice," Dave snapped. "You want to hurry if we're taking down the threats." 

"Who are the threats again?" I asked. 

"The people with the high scores," Dave told me. "The District 11 girl with a 10 and the District 12 boy with an 11." 

"Seemed pretty soft to me, that boy," said the District 2 girl, Amandine. "Maybe we should leave him alone."

"They thought Katniss was simple-minded, Mand, and look how wrong they were," her boyfriend, the District 2 boy, Hayden reminded her. 

"Good point, but still..." 

"Remember Johanna Mason?" Hayden said. "This might be the case. I heard the Percy Jackson kids are really sneaky." 

"Their stupid greek gods and crap," the District 4 boy, Zacharias said. 

"Oh, I don't know, I think it's pretty interesting," Lilac admitted. "Magic powers without a wand? Sounds good to me. Wizards do accidental magic, but they can do it on purpose." 

"You're all idiots," Dave said. "Magic and greek gods are not real. The Hunger Games might be. You're pathetic for liking that stuff." 

"When do you think sponsor gifts are coming in?" I intervened, trying to stop a fight brewing. 

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