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Y/n had lost her best friend, she was gone and she wasn't gonna come back thanks to Tara who killed her. Amber was y/n's cousin but the group didn't know that. When amber moved to woodsboro five years ago she and y/n made a deal to pretend like they only met at school.

Amber killed two of her friends, which were Wes and liv. Wes and y/n we're dating when he was murdered, she thought she should've been sad about it but she couldn't focus on his death.
All she cared at the moment was to get revenge on the carpenter sisters for killing her cousin.

On the day of her funeral nobody but y/n showed up. Not even ambers family or hers.
They said she was a disgrace for what she did, that pissed her off, amber was still family,
They could've at least showed up and pretended to care.

She would come every weekend to visit her grave, but on the last weekend before she went to college she noticed there was a man standing across from her staring right at her. She made a confused look as he looked back at her. He then started to walk towards her, she didn't know if she should leave or just wait and see what this man wanted. "You must've been really close with amber, you're the only one who ever visits her grave." The man said as he was now standing next to her.

She looked down at amber grave not answer him. She felt him looking Right at her which made her very uncomfortable. "Why's that " He asked, she rolled her eyes in annoyance. "She was my cousin. Nobody comes because she killed people." She answered as she looked at the man.

"Who are you again?" She asked as she realized that she had no idea who this man was. "Wayne Bailey." He said as he took his hand out for her to Shake. She looked at him confused as she shook his hand. "My son was also murdered,
I can't imagine what you're going through after your friend killed your cousin." Wayne said making y/n look at him with a weirded out expression.

"How'd you know my friend killer her?" Y/n quickly asked. "You killed Vince Schneider." Wayne said making y/n's heart drop. It was true though. She did kill him, it was only because amber asked her too. So she wouldn't be a suspect, but at the end she still died because she was revealed as she killer.

"I didn't kill anyone." She said which made Wayne laugh. "I'm Detective Bailey, you left a finger print behind but don't worry I won't rat you out." He said as he took his badge out. Y/n looked at him so confused, she had no idea what was happening at the moment. She quickly assumed that it was a set up just to get her to confess.

"You're confused, you're probably assuming that this is a set up, but it's not. I've kept your secret for months and I finally found you." Wayne said with a hint of excitement in his voice. "Umm okay?" Y/n said. "I want you to help us kill and frame Sam carpenter for the murder." The man said without hesitating.

"You wanna frame her? You're literally a detective, why would you wanna do that?" Y/n said which made Wayne get mad. "She killed my son!" He said as he raised his voice. Y/n stared at him as if he was crazy. "Wait, who was yours son?" She questioned.
"Richie kirsch, My oldest out of three. They killed my boy and I want revenge." Wayne said. Y/n though this was such a perfect opportunity to take so she accepted, she  just had a strong feeling that she could trust him even thought she just met him. "You said us? Who else is helping?"  As she said that she noticed Wayne looking behind her so she looked too.

As she looked she noticed two people walking towards them. It was a girl and a guy. The girl looked to be in her early twenties or something, she was wearing a red floral summer dress which suited her reddish brown hair, she looked just like Wayne from the eyes. So she assumed they must've been related.
The guy next to her was tall and had curly brown hair, he seemed to be her age because he looked young. He had cargo pants on with a black polo shirt, which perfectly suited him.
They both stared at her as they walked towards them.

"These are my kids, Quinn and Ethan." Wayne Said as they were both standing in-front of them. "This is ambers cousin, y/n . she's gonna helps us too." Wayne tells them as they nod and smile at her. "Have you told her the plan yet?" Quinn asks her dad. "

" I know that all of you are going to New York for college, so I  registered Quinn and Ethan to go to Blackmore university with you. " Wayne said as he told y/n. "Quinn and Ethan won't know each other at all but you and him will."
Wayne says to them. "Oh okay, do we pretend to meet in class?" Y/n asked as Wayne nodded. "No, we bump into each other the second day that you are in New York and we become friends after that then we start dating." Ethan said as he answered for his dad. Ethan seemed to happy to be here like if he wanted the day of the killings to come already.

"We have to date?" She questioned. "Best if you two date, they won't really suspect you since you're y/n's boyfriend." Wayne said as Ethan slightly nodded.  She knew even if they dated they would still suspect him but she just went along with it.

"See you'll be a perfect ghost face, you're their close friend so you'll tell us everything they say when we're not around." Quinn said. "That reminds me, I'll find a way for Quinn to roommate with you." He added. "Anonymous Ad." She said which made Quinn say "what?"

"Sam and Tara are gonna upload an anonymous ad as soon as we get to New York, we Rented an apartment together and we need one last person." Y/n said which gave Wayne and Quinn an idea. "That's perfect! They won't suspect me if it's anonymous." Quinn said all happy. "We should exchange phone numbers so we can know the right moment to met." Ethan told y/n as he handed her his phone. "I guess." She said as she saved her phone number on his phone. "I'll give you mine when we met, Roomie." Quinn said with a smile.

"Here's mine." Wayne said as he handed her a business card. It was his detectives phone number but there was another number behind the card that Said "personal number."
"Cool. I'll call as soon as I get to New York." She said with a smile. "Good, see you in New York, partner." Wayne said as he smiled at her. Then the three of them walked away from her and walked all the way to a black car that was parked next to a tree.

She then walked to her own car where she sat there and thought for a moment. She couldn't believe this just happened, it was so unexpected and she was so lucky that Wayne didn't rat her out for Vince murder. He deserved to die anyway he was a bitch to liv and liv was to good for him anyways, RIP to liv.

"New York here we come." Y/n whispered to herself as she started the car and drove to her house.

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