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You and Ethan stood next to each other on the train as Mindy wasn't to far from the two of you.
You and ethan looked over at her as she squinted at you two before rolling her eyes and looking away.

You looked away from she and started to look around to see if you could spot where Quinn was at but you couldn't because there was to many other people in ghostface costumes.

"She moved spots." Ethan whispered making you look back at him. "What?"  You said as you quickly looked around to spot Mindy. You finally spotted her and she was all the way towards the back of the train. You saw her rub her eyes as she took a deep breath.

The lights then flickered a little making you look up at them. "Don't tell you're scared of the dark?" Ethan laughed as You looked at back at him. "No, just caught me off guard." You answered. Your phone buzzed as you quickly pulled it out of your pocket. "Who is it?" Ethan asked as she tried to look at your phone.

"It's Tara. She's just making sure we made it on the train." You tell him as he hummed in response. You texted Tara back and forward as 3 minutes went by. You look up from your phone as the train took a stop. People began to get off the train as you and Ethan watched them leave.

That was when you noticed Mindy on the ground holding her stomach as blood poured out. "Oh fuck. No I missed it." You said whispering the last part as you ran to her and Ethan ran behind you. You pushed people to the side as they all looked at you with confusion.
Then they noticed Mindy bleeding on the ground making them gasp out loud.

"Mindy, fuck, you're bleeding out." You said as you and Ethan kneeled down next to her. "No shit." She answered as she groaned in pain. "We need to get you out of here." Ethan said tried to pick her up but she was in to much pain.

"Mindy, cmon Get the fuck up!" You yell at her as Ethan tried to pick her again. She finally stood up and her and Ethan both started to walk out the train. You followed behind them as Ethan started to yell for someone to call 911.

Ethan then slowly sat her down on the ground as she leaned on a pole. You two kneeled down next to her again. "Are you okay?" Ethan asked as she looked at her. "Yeah, I'm so good." She said as she slightly groaned in pain. " you're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay." Ethan said before looking around. "Goddamit, I got it wrong again." She said as she looked at Ethan.

"Move you hand." You said as she looked at you confused. "What? No." She quickly said. "Move your hand, I'm just gonna put more pressure for you." You said as you took your jacket off.

Ethan looked at you and then back at Mindy. "Yeah, you're bleeding to much and you're not putting enough pressure." He agreed. Mindy moved her hand as you quickly put your jacket over her wounds. You then pressed down hard on her wounds making her yell out. "Oops, I guess I pressed done to hard." You said as Mindy looked at you with a hint of confusion and fear.

Ethan quickly looked at you as he pushed you out the way. You stumbled back as he was now putting pressure on her wounds. As he did Mindy kept glancing at you. You stood up as two guys came over to help. You rolled your eyes as you walked away from the whole situation.

You sat on the stairs as you watched from a far. The ambulance had came already since you saw two paramedics. Soon later they had taken Mindy away up to the ambulance. You saw Ethan walking towards you as you quickly stood up.

You were about to say something but he quickly grabbed your arm tightly. "What the fuck Is your problem?" He quietly said. You looked at him confused as he had a mad expression on his face. "You know she probably thinks you're the killer now. " he said as you yanked your hand back.

"Either way she'll be dead before she can go tell anyone." You said back. Ethan sights. "You go to  shrine and I'll go with Mindy. I'll meet you there in a couple of hours." He said as you slightly nodded.

"Make sure that bitch dies." You added as she looked at you. Ethan slightly smiled. "Sure, I will." He said before turning around and walking away.

You watched him walk away before turned around. you sighed and began to walk up the subway stairs. All you could think about was if Mindy was gonna survive.

She deserved to die honestly. You hated her since middle school because all she did was run her mouth all the time. It annoyed you that all she talked about was fucking movies.

After 10 minutes of walking. You had finally made it to the old movie theater. You quickly ran towards the entrance and you were quickly entered but the good steel box was locked.

"Cmon on." You whispered to yourself as you heard a small noise making you quickly turned to that direction. "Hello?"

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now