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All of you drove to this abandoned movie theatre.
You all walked behind gale as she lead them to a heavy security door at the back entrance of this weird rundown building. You then see her slide down a keycard through some swipe lock and the door then opens .

"Jason and Greg were little Atlanta rich boys, they apparently used false names to rent this space." Gale said as everyone stepped inside. "How'd you find the place?" Kirby asked.

They both talked back and forward as you slowly scanned the place, even though you've already been here you had to make it seem as you were new to the place. everyone began to walk away so you quickly follow them.

Gale then lead you all to another security door and she unlocked it with the same swipe card she did on the first door. "Why all the security? What is this place?" Sam asked as she walked through the door way. "A movie theater?" Tara questioned.

You glanced at her then look around the whole place. "It's not just a movie's a shrine." gale answered as she pressed a button on the wall, suddenly the stage curtains began to open up The stage revealed all the nine ghostface cloaks lined up next to each other.

You and Ethan look at each other as the rest of the group walked off to look around.  "They've got the whole god damn franchise." Mindy said as you rolled your eye.  You and Ethan walked next to each other as you walked through all the murder evidence. You two had to pretend like you were looking at things. It wasn't like you haven't been here already.

Ethan stood by a glass box display that had drawing is Billy loomis and Stu macher. While you stood next to him as you watched at what ever one was doing. "You all have been through a lot." detective Bailey say you look over at him.

"How'd they get all this stuff? Isn't it all evidence?" Tara's questioned. "Cops like money and evidence can get lost pretty easily. Especially in closed cases." Gale answered Tara's question.

You listen to them talk as you looked  at this glass box that contains drawings of Billy loomis.
"Um Why am I here exactly? My alibi checks out." Ethan says as you continue to look down at the drawing.
"So I can keep an eye on you, Roomie." Chad said so you look up at him. Then Mindy gave Ethan the "I'm watching you." Gesture as you looked at her with a straight face.

"I hate that bitch so much." Ethan whispered. You looked at him as he said that. "You know what you have to do then. It's not that hard." You whispered back. Ethan didn't say anything back as he looked over at Mindy and Chad.

"Oh god. Y/n look." Mindy loudly said as she waved her hand at you to come over. You quickly went over to her as she pointed down to a drawing of amber. "Crazy psycho bitch." She said. 
You stared down at the drawing of amber. You really missed her and she was like a sister you never had.

You had honestly felt so much anger towards your friend group and tried to hard not to make it noticeable. "I knew she was fuckking crazy since day one." Mindy said making you snap out of your thoughts. You look at her as she was looking at the drawing. "Yeah, who knew she had it in her." You said as Mindy looked up at you.

"crazy psycho bitch. Hoe really deserved to die." You faked laughed with a smile . "Totally agree on that." Mindy said back.

As you had walked away everyone made the way up the stage while you and Ethan stayed at the bottom looking at everything. "I need to know who's next." Ethan whispered to you.

After he said that you looked up at the stage as everyone went up to look at the ghostface costume that were used on the murders.

"I thought i specifically told you not to mention anything like that around them." You said back as you looked back at him. "They can't ear us we're all the way down here." Ethan said as he whispered in your ear again as felt his breath touch your neck.

"Shouldn't this be on your dad." You said as you slightly touched the old  burned phone that is to belonged to Casey Becker. "My dad said this one's up to you." He said with a small smile.

You glare at him as you thought for a moment. "Gale. She's been alive for way to long now ." You said as you looked up at the group once again. Ethan followed your gaze as he watched you stare at gale who was talking to Sam and Tara."why make her suffer without Dewey when she can easily be with him forever."

Ethen looked at you as still had you gaze at gale. "That's fucked up.... But such a great idea." He loudly said. You quickly looked at him as you smacked him in the arm. He has spoken really loud that everyone looked over at you two.

"Y/n! What are you two doing Down there! Come up here!" Chad loudly said as you awkwardly smiled back at him. You looked back at Ethan who was rubbing his arm where you had hit him. You rolled your eyes as you began to walk up the stage as you noticed Kirby giving you a weird look. You gave her a fake smile as you walked.

In your mind you knew she suspected you for something. Maybe she gonna have to be the next target.

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now