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Both Sam and Tara and back up into the theater. They both started to quickly head towards the scaffolding, but suddenly One Ghostface emerges
From the narrow hallway by the stage.
The second emerges from the lobby behind them.

Sam quickly grabbed two bricks that were sitting on a table. She handed the other then to Tara.
They both now stood in the middle off the main floor. Both ghost-face on each side. Trapping them. Tara held onto the brick tightly. Tears pouring from her eyes due to the fear she felt.

"We have to fight, Tara." Sam told her sister. Tara looked at her. She slightly shaked her head in agreement. It wasn't like she couldn't deny. She knew she has to try because if she didn't she would end up dead.

"Ready?" Sam asked. Tara looked at her one last time before looking at the ghost-face killer who was In front of her. "Ready."

"Cmon motherfucker!" Tara yelled. When suddenly three gun shots were fired. Making both killers disappear in opposite directions.

"It's okay!" Kirby loudly said. Reveling herself as the one who fired the shots. "Stay the fuck away from us."  Sam yelled towards her. Kirby ignored her and she walked down the stage. "We know it's you Kirby."

"One- one of them knocked me out." Kirby quickly said in a panic. "Kirby stop!" Bailey yelled in the background. Kirby quickly aimed her gun towards him.

Everyone turns to see Bailey rushing into the auditorium from the back security door. Gun trained on Kirby.

"What are you doing-" Kirby kept her gun pointed towards him as he walked toward the three of them. "Did you kill Quinn? Did you kill my daughter?!" Bailey loudly said.

"Jesus Christ! Whatever he's been saying to you. Don't listen to him." She said to the carpenter sisters. "He's probably the killer." She said staring him down.

Behind Bailey one of the ghostface suddenly darts out of the shadow. He had his knife raised and started to run towards Bailey. "Behind you!" Kirby quickly yelled.

He ignored her and instead shot her twice. Sam and Tara both looked at him in shock. Confusion washed over their face as they noticed the killer step beside him.  Then the second killer comes out from hiding and Joins him.

Bailey lets out a small chuckle as he pats them both on their shoulder. "Great job. Both of you." He told them. The three of them then turn to look at them both.

"You?" Tara said with hatred. "Yeah, of course me." He shrugged at her. Sam looked at him with betrayal. "Frankly, l expected more from you two, after what you did to us."

"What do you mean Us?" Tara questioned. The ghostface on Bailey's left then removes his mask, reveling Ethan. Tara face drops. "Mindy was right, it was easy to juke the roommate lottery.
All I had to do, to meet you was room with a conceited, condescending alpha. literally named Chad. Fuck, it felt good to kill him."  Tara's eyes flare with rage. Ethan grins and holds up his mask.

"This one was your grandmothers, Sam. Nancy loomis. Really runs in the fucking family, doesn't it? And speaking of family. My names not Ethan Landry, is it, dad?" He says as him and Bailey both laugh. "Dad?!" Tara loudly says.

Sam then looks over at the second ghostface who still hasn't revealed themselves.  "So if it's you two. That just leaves... mindy?" Sam questioned as her voice cracked.

The second ghost face then removed their mask. Revealing Quinn. "Hey, roomies. Didn't see that one coming, did you?" Quinn smiled. Both Sam and Tara were now even more stunned.

"But you died." Tara blurted out. "Yeah, kinda didn't. though It was a good way to get off the suspect list, stab Gale Weathers, stab Mindy on the train. that sort of thing." Quinn says.

Tara slightly shakes her head in denial as she looked down at the ground.  "I almost forgot! I do have one last surprise for you." Bailey said. Sam and Tara looked at each other then back at him. They both then notice a shadow pop out behind Bailey.

It was another ghostface. They both looked confused. They had no clue who the other person could be. They had no one in mind.

"This one's really gonna hurt." Bailey chuckled. You removed the mask as you stepped forward. Both Sam's and Tara's face dropped. They had both watched you die back there. But you were there.

You held onto the mask and smiled at the carpenter sisters. You now stood in between Bailey and Ethan. Bailey looked at you even back at the  sisters. "I really thought you both were smarter than this. I mean cmon!" He loudly laughed.

Sam and Tara were in shock. They trusted you with their whole life's just to find out you were also behind all this.

"But we saw you get killed.." Tara managed to say. You looked at her. "Are you saying my acting was good? I didn't know I had it in me either." You softly laugh.

Sam stared at you with anger. "How could you! We trusted you!" Sam said. Tara then softly started to cry. From the betrayal she was feeling. "No one asked you to." You shrug.

"This whole time. You were behind this. After last year! Why!" Sam yelled at you. You kept a straight face and stared at her.  "Sorry, Sammy. It's not my time to talk." You winked at her.

"What?" Sam said confused. "I got Mickey altieri's mask. He was the best one. In my opinion." You smiled as you held your mask up at them. You then threw it on the ground. Not like it was important to the story.

" and I got Stu machers mask. your daddy's best friend." Quinn said as she held up her mask up as well. Both Ethan and Quinn walked away from you and Bailey. Tara followed looked at them as they both placed their mask on mannequins.

"That's three and two." Bailey says as he points at their masks. "Which leaves...." He pulls out a mask from his pocket. It was an old cracked mask. "Your fathers. This is what we've been counting down to Sam." Bailey says as he held the mask up to her.

"I'm gonna need you to put it on." He said as he brought it closer to her. "Fuck you!" Sam says as she slaps it away. Ethan then lunges at her. Cutting her in her arm.  They three of them laugh while you watch the whole thing.

"You stay the fuck away from her!" Tara yelled towards Ethan. Both Ethan and Quinn began to circle them two. "What is this? You did as a family?" Sam questioned as she looked at them all.

"Hell yeah, bitch! You should know better than anyone!" Quinn angrily said as she quickly walked over to them. Sam and Tara both had a confused look. Ethan laughed at their confusion.

"They still not getting it." Ethan laughed. "Look, I don't know  what you believe, but Woodsboro. It wasn't me." Sam tells them all. "No, we know that. Of course you didn't! What do you think this is based on some bullshit conspiracy theory?"

"Cmon! Who do you think started those rumors about you in the first place." Bailey said looking over at Quinn. Sam looks over at her. Quinn raises her hand proudly. "You?" Tara asked. "Do you know how easy it was to turn Sam from the hero of Woodsboro to the villain? How easy it is to convince the world to believe the worst in people rather than the best?" Quinn says. Pointing her knife at them both.

"Because it's not enough to just kill someone these days. You have to assassinate their character first. So when dad here "discovers"  your horribly mutilated bodies. Posed with Sam wearing her father's mask? He'll say some poor dumb basted read on the internet. That you're the real ghost-face and took matters into their own deluded hands." Ethan said.

"Exactly! That's why's it's such a perfect alibi. And all the best lies are based on the truth. You're a killer. Bailey said as he pointed at Sam. She looked at him. "Like your father." He added. "No im not!" "Yes you are! You motherfucker! You killed our brother!" Quinn yelled at her. Sam quickly looked at her.

"What are you talking about?" She said confused. "You said your brother died in a car accident." Tara added. "No,no you sweet dumb thing. He died in woodsboro." Ethan said. You raised an eyebrow at his words before ignoring it.

"At the hands of your bitch sister." He finished. Sam blinks at his sentence. Staring at all of them. Including you, Realizing. "You're Richie's family?" She softly asked. "Yeah." Bailey answered.

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now