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I never went to Chad and Ethan's apartment. Well Ethan did but I didn't. I actually went to go attack Sam, but I had to attack Tara too since she wanted to accompany Sam to the police station.

Let's just say instead of killing Sam and Tara in the corner store i accidentally killed three other guys. That's was totally not supposed to happen, but they just got in my way.

Anyways, it was now the next day. Sam wanted everyone to meet up to discuss things. My lucky guess is about the killer. We all met up and sat on a bench that was on the school campus.

I sat in the middle of Chad and Ethan. While Tara sat in the middle of Sam and Chad, and Anika next to Sam's and Quinn by Anika's other side. While Mindy stood In front of us.

"The way I see it someone is out to make a sequel to the requal." Mindy says as she looked at every single one of us. "Um what's a requal?" Anika questioned. "You're beautiful, sweetie, but let's hold questions until the end." Mindy told anika as me and Quinn glance at each other. We both kinda hated Mindy. She just liked to run her mouth about anything.

"Stab one took place in woodsboro, stab two took place In college." I said as Sam looked over at me. "So do we think that the killer is trying to copy the movies?" Tara asked. "That is one possibility. Hero's now In college, check. Suspicious new characters brought in to round out the suspect list" Mindy says as she looked over at Ethan, which he reacted my giving her an offended look.

"But it can't just be about stab 2." Mindy added. "Why not?" Tara questioned confused making me look at her. "It would make sense if this were just a sequel, but we're not in a sequel because nobody just makes sequels anymore." Mindy said as I gave her a questionable look. " We're in a franchise and there as certain rules to a continuing franchise." Mindy happily said.

"I had a feeling." Sam added as she sighs in annoyance. "Rule one everything is bigger than last time." Mindy said as I gave my attention back to her. "Bigger budget, bigger cast, bigger body count, longer chases, shoot-outs, beheadings- you gotta top what came before to keep people coming back." Mindy said as I saw chad look up from his note taking. "Beheading?" He questioned. "Beheading." Mindy said back to Chad as she looks at me and I slightly shrug at him.

I looked back at Mindy as she continued to talk. It might of seemed as if I was listening but I wasn't I was zoned out. It was the Same as last year. Her and her stupid movie rules that she would always repeat every fucking time.

I'm sure I was zoned out for a while because one certain sentence Mindy said caused me to come back to reality.

"But it brings us to our current suspect. Ethan. The shy and dorky boyfriend who no one suspects, because he's so shy and dorky." Mindy said as I gave my complete attention to her.

"What?" Me and Ethan said at the same time. "Why am I on the list? Because I'm dating y/n and I'm randomly chads roommate?" Ethan questioned as he was clearly offended. "Roommate lottery can be juked, you could have fixed it to get next to us and you can't deny the fact that you manipulate y/n into liking you, because I know for a fact you're not her Type." Mindy said as she looked Ethan up and down.

I rolled my eyes as I laughed a little. Ethan than looks at me with a offended look. "Cmon Mindy. I don't think he's capable of killing anyone, the other night there was a fly in his room and he couldn't even kill the thing because he was to fucking scared ." I said as Chad giggles in the background.

Mindy looked at me dead in the eye. "Y/n, I love you but he's still a suspect." Mindy added. I sighs and don't But say anything else. "Quinn. The slutty roommate. A horror movie classic." Mindy said as she walked over to Quinn.

"Sex positive, but thanks you." Quinn said as we all looked at her. "And how did you come to live with Sam and Tara?" Mindy asked Quinn as she crossed her arms together. "I answered their ad online-" Quinn said as she glanced at me. " say no more, you've already implicated yourself enough." Mindy said as she laughed to herself.

"It was literally an anonymous ad. " I said as I gave Mindy a confused look. "Yeah plus her dads a cop." Tara added. "Which makes her more likely she's the killer because having a cop dad is a great cover; do you not remember how these movies work" Mindy said as she slightly yelled at all of us.

"And finally, Anika." Mindy said as she walked up to Anika. Anika blew her a kiss and Mindy blew it back. I watched as they both stared at each other smiling. "Never trust the love interest." Mindy said as Anika smile faded. "That goes for you too, y/n." Mindy said making me stop smiling. "Okay so we have our rules and our suspect." Sam said as she looked at Tara and me.

I sighs as I sit up straight. "Wait, wait. What about you guys?" Ethan asked as I look at him. "I mean, I think it's safe to rule out the four of us that went through this last year in woodsboro."

"Agreed." Chad and I said together. "Um not agreed. Like what if this trauma you all went through made one of you or more snap and caused you to kill." Quinn shrugged.

"I have to agree on this. I hate to say this but my suspect is y/n." Anika said as she looked at me making me look back at her. Everyone then looked over at me. "What?! Im like the nicest person you'll ever meet." I said, trying not to sound like I was offended. "First of all, the only thing I find so suspicious is that cut on your lip." Anika said making every look at my lip. "You didn't have that last night, but then suddenly after Sam's and Tara got attacked and it randomly showed up." She said as I just stared at her.

I clear my throat as I sit up straight. "That's a really good point Anika, but do you really think I would kill my own fucking friends. I wouldn't hurt any of them like this and lastly I was with Ethan all night." I said as I stared at her. "Look, Anika we've known y/n for a long time but I don't think she would try to kill any of us." Chad said as he defended me.

"Yeah but you didn't answer Anika's question. How did you get that cut on your lip, y/n?" Sam questions me as she looked at me. I sight as I look at her. "You guys are my friends and I'm gonna go ahead and tell you, it's really embarrassing for me to say this but- 'I accidentally bit her lip to hard when you know.... Don't make me say the rest." Ethan interrupted me as we all looked at him. I then slowly look back at everyone, they looked at me awkwardly.

"You said you wanted to know." I shrug. "That's my boy!!" Chad yelled as he dabbed Ethan up. I gave them a weird look as I look back at the group. "Well that was a little awkward, but y/n was never a suspect. You still are Ethan!" Mindy loudly said as she glanced at him.

I slightly rolled my eyes as I looked over at Anika. She was already looking at me. I slightly smile at her but she just stared at me.
I was staring to think that Anika was gonna be a big problem on this whole plan.

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now