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A/n: I edited some grammar and added more details:)

You and Ethan quickly catch up with your friend group. Tara and Sam's arguing got louder the closer you got.  "I can not believe you did that you embarrassed me!" Tara harshly yelled at Sam. "That guy was a dick. He was gonna take advantage of you." Sam said. It was obvious that she was holding back her shouting but Tara started to irritate her. Sam followed behind Tara.
Tara then stopped walking and turns around to look at Sam.

"so?! If I wanna hook up with an asshole that's my decision!" She said, pointing at herself. "It's my decision." She repeats. You all stood begging them two, awkward watching the whole thing.

"Okay?" Sam says. "It's not about you! I mean you're out of my life for five years, and then you can't leave me alone for five minutes!" Tara angrily yells.

You all watched them argue back and forward. Mindy looked over at you. A look of disappointment showed on her face. She and you knew Tara felt trapped with Sam. All she did was follow her around after last year.

" because I'm not interested in living in the past like you are." Tara says. Sam furrows her brows. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. "Guys, c'mon." Chad spoke up, trying to get them to stop. " it means I'm not gonna let what happened to us for three days to define the rest of my life." Tara snapped. A wave of surprise showed on Sam's face.

"So you're just going to pretend it never happened?"sam asked. " What are you doing here Sam? In New York. I mean you're working two shitty jobs to help with rent, whatever, but what was your plan?" Tara asked. You could see Sam's instant reaction, like if reality just hit her.
The more she thought about it the more she realized she didn't have a plan.

" I know what I'm going to do. Okay, because I'm gonna keep going to college, I'm gonna get my degree and I'm gonna live my life. MY LIFE!" Tara said. At that point Mindy glanced at you again. You gave her a

" You just follow me everywhere and you just can't leave me out of your sight." Tara said annoyed. "Just looking out for you." Sam said which made Tara mad again. "I know, but you can't do it for the rest of my life though." Tara said. Before Sam could answer a white girl yelled out "hey!" As they threw a cup of soda at Sam's shirt. "Murder."the girl said as she slowly walked away.

"The fuck is wrong with you bitch!" Sam yelled as she pushed her which made Chad pull her away from the girl. You and Ethan just stood in the back watching as it happened. "You got a problem with me?!" Sam said as the girls friends where recording every thing. " stay  away from her, she knows what she did." The girl answered referring to last years murders. " I didn't fucking do anything!" Sam yelled as she wanted to run up to her but Chad held her back. The girls laughed, Then walked away.

Chad eventually calmed Sam down. You and Ethan exchanged looks before walking over to the rest of the group. "You okay, Sam?" You softly asked her. Sam's eyes go to you. She gave you a weak smile as she nodded. "We're gonna go ahead and catch up with Tara." Chad says as she pats you in the shoulder. You nodded at him, before looking back at Sam. "I- I have tissues. If you want tissue, I have like three." Ethan said as he handed them to sam.

Sam took them from Ethan. She quickly went ahead and wiped that soda off her face. Sam wasn't saying anything to you so you knew she was bothered by your presence. "Im gonna go catch up with the rest. I know how you get when people try and comfort you." You tell her. She looks at you. You were right, sam absolutely hated when people tried to comfort her. It made her feel worse.

Without saying another word to her, you grabbed Ethan by the hand and walked away with him.
"Why do you even have tissues?" You laugh at him. Ethan rolled his eyes at you. His arm found his way around your shoulder, bringing you closer to him. "They come in handy." He answered.

While you two were walking, both your loud laughter caught mindys attention. She quickly looks back at the two of you. "God, who knew she into nerds." Mindy fake gagged. Chad looked back at them as he smiled. "You think if Wes was still alive, maybe she wouldn't be with him." Mindy suddenly says. Chad quickly looks at her.
He didn't say anything back, there really wasn't anything to say about that.

Y/n's pov

We all eventually went to our apartment so we could change out into our normal clothes. After we were all done we all gathered at Sam's apartment where she shared it with me, Tara, and Quinn.

I was currently in my room with Ethan while everyone was in the living room. Ethan was laying down on my bed hugging my banana squish-mellow while I sat on my makeup desk chair.  "Is it gonna be on the news?" Ethan whispered as I looked at him. "Obviously, why wouldn't it be." I whispered back. I got up from my chair and sat on my bed, Ethan then sat up next to me.

"You totally ignored me when I said we have to kiss now." Ethan said as he looked at me. I didn't say anything but just stare at him, I hated admitting it but Ethan was really attractive. I mean why wouldn't he be, he's so fine.

He had the perfect curly hair, he has clear skin and he had just a great body. Sometimes My own thoughts sound so weird.
"Earth to y/n. Hello?" Ethan said as he snapped his fingers in my face. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts. "I really wouldn't mind kissing him right now." I thought to myself. "Are you okay?" He questioned as he looked at me confused.

I nodded as I quickly pulled him into a kiss. He didn't hesitate to kiss back. It kinda felt like if he waited for this moment too. "I knew you wanted me." Ethan said in between kisses. I rolled my eyes as we continued to kiss. We were breathing heavily as the kiss got more intense.

He quickly pulled me on top of him as he put both hands on my waist. Next thing you know Tara stormed in my room. "Ahhh!" I yell as I quickly got off Ethan. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Tara yelled as she closed the door. "It's okay it's fine." I Said as me and Ethan looked at each other. Tara then slowly opened the door. "You gotta come see the news." She said as she ran back to the living room. "It must be the murders
, come on." I said as I quickly walked to the living room and Ethan followed .


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