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Sam then looked at you. You looked back at her. "Why are you doing this?" She questioned. Everyone gave their attention to you. Now that it was your turn.

"Y/n, did Ethan drag you into this?!" Sam loudly asked. You rolled your eyes at her before you rubbed your eyes in annoyance.

You looked at her with a bored expression before you took a deep breath. "No he didn't. He's not even my actual fucking boyfriend. It was all for the act." You said nonchalantly.

They both looked at you again. With yet another look of betrayal. While Ethan in the background kinda felt sad over the fact that you still saw it as a fake relationship, but it wasn't like you two even made it actually official.

"For the act?" Sam questioned. You nod at her. "Yeah, it was so much easier sneaking off to do all this. Who do you think attacked you at the corner store? Me obviously!" You proudly said. "I wasn't even sleeping over at Ethan's. I was to busy trying to kill you two." You smiled.

"But you two always fucking manage to get away!" You loudly said. Tara flinched at your sudden yelling . She never saw you as a violent person. So seeing you like this made her think it was all a dream.

They both stared at you with hatred. "So why are you doing this?" Sam asked. "Why?!" You yelled back as you walked towards her. She and Tara then slowly back up. Tara quickly turned around as she bumped into Ethan. He stared her down.

"You killed my fucking cousin and you think I was gonna let you two get away with that?." Sam frowned. She wasn't understanding anything from you. "Cousin?" Tara asked. "I thought All your family lived in Chicago." Tara added.

You shake your head at her. "Oh they do, but my mom's twin just randomly moved to woodboro five years ago." you shrug. Something in Tara's head clicked, but before she could ask. Sam got it first.

"Who was it?" Sam asked. You ignored her. You looked at Tara and you could tell she wanted to say something. The longer you took to reveal who you were talking about the more Sam got impatient.

"JUST SAY IT!" Sam yelled. "FUCK YOU BITCH! This is my time to talk!" You yelled back at her as you swing the knife at her face. But missed.

"Y/n!" Bailey yelled. You quickly stopped but you didn't look at him. You staid looking at Sam. "Remember what we said. Communication is key. No violence." He calmly told you.

Bailey always pissed you off. Especially when he wouldn't let you act your anger out. There wasn't much you could do since he was Ethan's dad and you didn't want to disrespect him, but right now you didn't give a shit if you did.

"Fuck you Bailey. Im tired of you holding me back." You loudly said. Looking over at him. He stared back at you with a small grin. That was the reaction he wanted to hear.
You blinked at him one last time before looking back at the sisters.

"You killed amber. My cousin. My best friend." You said as you pointed your knife at them. Sam's face goes into relation. "I didn't kill her!" She loudly yelled. You swing your knife at her again. Sliding her cheek. She winced in pain. Quickly covering it.

Bailey lets out a small chuckle. While Tara looks at sam to see if she's okay. "I know you didn't. Sydney and gale did. I couldn't exactly get Sydney here. So I went after gale and now I'm gonna kill you. So you can replace Sydney." Sam slowly looked up at you as blood dripped through her hand.

"I think we should kill Tara first. Make Sam watch." Ethan says. Everyone's attention switched to him. Tara took that as her opportunity. She quickly punched you in your face. Catching you off guard.

You slightly gasped at the sudden hit. Your hand quickly covering your nose to make the burning sensation go away. Quinn's eyes slightly widen in anger, but before she could defend you Ethan beat her to it.

"Bitch!" Ethan angrily yelled at Tara. He grabbed her by her hair pulling her towards him.  He brought his knife up to her neck. Sam panicked. "No,no. Please." She begged. Bailey and Quinn snickered at Sam's pathetic attempt to stop Ethan but the more she begged the more he roughly pressed the knife into her neck.

"Y/n please!" Sam begged to you. You took your hand away from your face. Showing the fresh blood that had came out of your nose.

Tara in the background softly cried. The knife was slowly slicing through her neck. The more Ethan heard her cry's the more he pressed it down.

"I'm sorry, babes. I can't do anything to stop that." You shrug. Sam scoffed. "She's your bestfrien-" "no she's not!" You loudly cut her off. Sam looked over at her sister who was struggling. She saw the small blood dripping from her neck.

Sam then looked back at you. "All this for amber?! Amber was a selfish pathetic bitch!" Sam fumed. "That's not true-"

"She killed  Wes! She would've killed you too. If she had the chance" Tara managed to say. You glanced at her then back at Sam. Quinn was inverted with the whole story but the more you two talked  the more she grew impatient with not being able to kill them.

"Yeah? Well that sucks. Wes was a pathetic excuse for a boyfriend. He was to perfect. He followed me around like a fucking lost puppy. He irritated me." You said.

Tara slightly scoffed. "You cunt! He loved you! He always talked about you and this is what you have to say about him. You stupid bitch!" Tara yelled. Ethan's grip on her hair tightened as he pulled her back. "Watch your fucking tone." He whispered in her ear as he pressed the knife more deeper. Tara let out a small whimper as she felt the blade start to slice through more.

Your attention went back into Sam. Bailey grabbed your shoulder and whispered in your ear. "You're doing too much talking. Time to get to the good part." He whispered. You slightly nodded.

Right as you were about to speak again. Tara roughly elbowed Ethan in his stomach. Ethan grunted in pain, letting go of her. Tara made a run for it.

All of you were to distract with that. Making Sam take her opportunity to punch you in the face super hard. She hit you so hard you fell to the ground. "Fuck! Why always the nose!" You yelled as you held your face in pain.

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now