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My eyes slowly began to open as I heard voices around me. I slowly sit up as I grabbed my cheek. "What the fuck happened." I said as I noticed I was in the back of a ambulance car.

"Y/n." Chad said as he turned around from sitting next to Tara and Mindy. "You got knocked out cold. You're so lucky to be alive." Chad said as he was now sitting next to me. "What happened? Is Anika alive?" I questioned.

Tara and Chad exchanged looks as I look at both of them. "What?" I said confused. I then heard Mindy cry as she sat on the ambulance floor. "Oh." Was all I said. I tried to make it as believable as possible.

"Mindy I'm so sorry about her." I said as she looked back at me. She didn't say anything but look back forward.

Suddenly chad got out of the ambulance and started to walk towards someone. I looked and it was ethan. He looked around confused. Chad then grabbed his and slammed him on the against the car. I looked at them in surprise as I hopped off the ambulance. "Where were you?" Chad yelled in Ethan face. "I had Econ. You know this-" Ethan told Chad as he looked back at me.

"Bullshit! You disappear and my sister almost gets killed!" Chad yelled in his face. Ethan stared back at him confused. "I was in a lecture hall with a hundred other people, ask any of them!" Ethan quickly said. "Cmon! Y/n you had my location! We both share our locations!" Ethan yelled. Chad then let's him go.

I then watched Ethan look over to the ally where there was a whole bunch of police officers and a body bag on the ground. My lucky guess was that it was Anika's body. "Oh my god.... Who?" He asked."

"Anika..." Chad answered as he pushed passed me and went back to stand next to Mindy. " oh god. Mindy, I'm sorry." Ethan said as he attempted to walk towards Mindy but then she sticked her hand up to stop him. "Step the fuck back. You are the top of my list." Mindy said as she looked at him then at me.

"I had econ!" He said again before he turned over to me. "Y/n, oh my god. You're face. What happened to you." He asked all worried as he walked over to me. I was by the car Chad had slammed Ethan Into.

Ethan then pulled me into a hug. My back was facing our friends. He hugged me tightly as I hugged him back.
"What the fuck was that last night?" I whispered in his ear. He then pulled away and looked at me. "Y/n I'm sorry I wasn't there." He sadly said as he hugged me again. "I had to make it believable. If I didn't hurt you they would've suspected me more." He whispered in my ear.

I then pulled away from the hug as I started at him. "She was supposed to be mine." I angrily whispered as I referred to him killing Anika. "We'll talk about this later. They're watching us." Ethan said as he put a string of my hair behind my ear. I then sight as I turn to look at my friends. They all looked at me, with this questionable look.

"What?" I said as I walked over to them. "You really don't suspect him." Mindy rudely said as she looked over at Ethan who was still standing by the car. " Mindy, c'mon- stop defending him y/n! Don't you understand! He wasn't there with us last night and we almost died! You could've died!" Mindy yelled at me.

I looked her in the eyes as she yelled at me. I didn't really react to her or anything, I just stared at her.

"I suspect him too y/n, but Mindy she was attacked last night with a fucking knife holder. I know Ethan and he wouldn't hurt y/n like that." Chad said. Mindy rolled her eyes. "Fuck that. Richie was Sam's boyfriend and look what happened." Mindy said. Tara and Chad then looked at me with a "sorry we can't help you out anymore" look.

I thought for a second. "That's a really good point actually." I said as I looked over at Ethan who was staring at us. "You really think he would kill me?" I whispered to them. They all nod with no hesitation.

I had to make everything believable. I wanted them to think that I was on their side so I had to start to pretend to believe that Ethan was the killer, even though he was and I was too.

"Trust no one, right?" I said. "Nobody." Mindy said back. Tara then stood up and walked over to Sam. I looked at her then I looked back to Mindy and Chad, I awkwardly smiled at them before I walked back to Ethan.

We both then went to go sit down on the side walk by a tree. As we walked there i exchanged looks with detective Bailey.

"Who's that guy?" Ethan asked as he was looking at the guy Sam's was standing with. "Oh Danny, the guy Sam has been secretly fucking." I answered as we both looked at him. "You don't think he'll be a problem, right?" Ethan whispered as he looked at me. "No, If he is. I'll take care of him and I'll make sure Sam's watches." I whisper as Ethan smiled. "You're so hot when you talk crazy." I look over at him, i was about to say something until Tara interrupted me.

"Hey, Kirby found this place that I guess involves the killer. Where gonna go check it out if you two wanna come." Tara said as she looked at me. "Yeah, we'll go." I agreed. She nods and walked away. "It's all going according to plan." I whispered as I winked at him and stood up.

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now