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Getting out of Ethan grip, Tara made a run for it. While Sam took her opportunity to punch you right in the face knocking you down.

Regardless to say, that was the dumbest shit she could've pulled. Quinn's eyes filled with anger. She quickly picked up a brick and smashed it on her face in frustration. Sam grunted before collapsing to the ground.

You slowly stood up, holding your nose. You were so sure it was definitely broken at this point. The taste of blood lingered in your mouth. You made a disgusted face, before spitting the blood out. Wayne gave you a look before looking over at Sam in the ground.

She held her face with her hand as she groaned in pain. "Fucking hurts, right bitch." Quinn loudly told Sam.  Sam still had her face covered. You saw a small glimpse of her face. Her forehead bleed through her fingers.

A sudden loud yell caught your attention. All of your eyes switching to it. Ethan was dragging Tara back towards you all. "No! Let me go!" She yelled. Ethan ignored her. He then threw Tara on the ground next to Sam.

"I've had enough of this shit, dad. Let's just kill them right now!" Quinn loudly said. Bailey looked at her then at Ethan. They both had an annoyed look in their face. "Now, now children. There's no need to rush things." Bailey sarcastically said, making Ethan and Quinn get even more irritated.

Sam looked up at Bailey. "Your son was a pathetic excuse for a person." Sam fumed. She slowly began to stand up. The thing none of you noticed was her picking up a brick. It should've been an easy thing to spot but with the sudden thing she said about Richie, that made them have their whole focus on them.

It was obvious that her sentence made Bailey mad. Why wouldn't it. She was talking shit about his first child.

"He was a man-baby who made his girlfriend do all the killing." Bailey blinked at Sam. He kept on trying to not let his anger take over him.

Tara who stood next to Sam suddenly understood what Sam was trying to do. She was provoking them. Trying to make them get angry so they could attack again. "He was a strong virile man!"
Bailey suddenly yelled.

"He was a weak little bitch who cried before I cut his fucking throat." She said with a small grin. That sentence was enough to make Quinn go crazy. She lunged at Sam, screaming only to be clocked in the face with the Sam's brick.

You swore you saw one of Quinn's teeth fly out as she collapsed on the floor. Seeing Quinn instantly get knocked out you and Ethan both exchanged looks.

When suddenly three shots were fired. That made Sam and Tara have a chance to make another run for it. You saw them run. Ethan completely ignored that they had ran for it. His only worry was to check on Quinn.

"Put the gun down Kirby." You heard Bailey say. Your attention switched to him. Kirby was alive. That left you confused. You saw her get shot. Suddenly you remembered she was a detective so she probably has a gun vest on.

"Fuck you. You shot me." She fumes. She held her gun towards Bailey. Before anyone could reach to Kirby's sudden move. She shot fire towards Bailey.  He quickly dodged it. Making a run for it himself. Leaving the three of you alone.

"No." You said raising both hands up in surrender. "I'm just a hostage. I was at the right place and the wrong time." You quickly said. Kirby ignored you and kept her aim at you. She looked you up and noticed you were wearing a ghost face costume. "They forced me to put it on." You quickly say. She raised an eyebrow at you.

"You really think I'll buy that shit." She says glaring at you. The innocent look in your eyes were enough to make her want to believe you. Ethan heard your sentence. He suddenly realized the game you were playing, so he had to play along so you could take Kirby down.

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now