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We all went to the subway platform. It was really crowded. You had to squeeze through people as you all tried to make your way towards the train.

As you got closer to the train Tara turned around to face you. "You guys don't have to come with us." Tara said as she looked at you and Ethan. "We peel off- and the killer takes us out one-by-one? No thank you." He said as she held your hand tighter. You gave him a side eye as you looked back at Tara and Sam.

Sam looked over at you as you gave her a fake small smile. "I wouldn't want you all to go through this alone. Especially since you dont deserve any of this." You said as they all looked at you with a sad expression. "You're a really good friend, y/n. As much as I don't want you to be here, it's your choice to be here with us and we all appreciate that." Tara said as everyone slightly nodded.


You all waited for the next train. Sam, Chad, Tara, Danny and Mindy stood infront of you and Ethan as the two of you stood with each other. The two of you held hands as you two looked down at your phone. "Why is she spamming you." He whispered.

You ignored him as you let go of his hand so you could answer Quinn's messages. She kept spamming your messages saying to make sure you found a way to make someone in the group to get separated with you and Ethan.

"Yo guys! Let's go!" You heard Chad loudly says making you look up at them. The train had finally arrived. The train doors then opened As a whole bunch of people began to walk off the train. A whole bunch of them.

As you and Ethan tried to get in the train, the people walking out pushed you two back making you not be able to get in. You two tried to push through but they kept pushing you back. You were to focused on getting through that you didn't notice Ethan get separated from you as well.
Suddenly the train buzzer goes off. The doors then closed. You made eye contact with Tara, who was on the train. She gave you a look as the train began to leave.

You and Ethan had been left behind.. that was apart of the plan though but you didn't see anyone else from the group which meant you failed at separating one of them.

You looked behind you to look for Ethan but he wasn't there. You frowned as You looked around until you spotted him next to Mindy. You could tell by her face expression that she wasn't so happy to have been left behind with Ethan.

You quickly walked over to them as she was relieved to see you. "Oh thank god." She said as she put one of her hands over her chest. "I thought I was stuck with ghostface here." She said as she looked Ethan up and down.

"Mindy cmon. Stop with that shit." You said as you looked at her. In the background you could heard the train start to leave.

"No y/n, I will not stop with this shit. You're just to stupid to realize that your boyfriend is the killer and he might kill you next." She loudly said making you get a few looks from people. You looked at the people who's were looking at you then back at Mindy.

"Grow up Mindy. Not everyone you meet is a killer." You said as you started to get loud as well. Mindy rolled her eyes. "Oh really? I met amber and that stupid bitch turned out to be a killer. Last thing I remembered she killed Wes... she killed your boyfriend of 2 years and I don't even see you grieving his dead y/n... not a single time."She said as you stayed silent.

You got angry and looked down at the ground for a second. You then looked up at her, you obviously seemed upset, not at the fact that she brought up Wes. At the fact that she talked bad about your cousin. You could honestly careless about Wes, all he did was follow you around like a lost puppy.

Mindy saw that angry look in your eyes as her whole body tensed up. You stared at her as she got a weird feeling about you now. You noticed she gave you a look so you quickly snapped out of it.

"I do grief his dead Mindy, but I don't at the same time because maybe I don't wanna think about the past like you and Chad and Sam. I don't give a shit about what happened last year. I just wanna forget." You say as she sights and glances at Ethan who was quietly listening to everything.

"Okay, if you're gonna stick with your crazy boyfriend, then I don't want you near me. " she said as she looked at Ethan with disgust before walking away from the two of you.

You watched her walk further away from you guys. She then stood there with her arms crossed as she waited for the train. She looked over at you as she rolled her eyes and looked away.

"I'm so glad she was the one who stuck with us." Ethan said as he put his arm around your shoulder. you ignored him as you stared down at the ground. He noticed and looked down at you. "Why are you ignoring me?" He said. "I'm not." You said sounding annoyed.

Ethan noticed your annoyed and clearly his throat as he took his hand off your shoulder. "You know I don't like when you're being bitchy to me with no explanation." He said as you rolled your eyes.

"I hate that fucking bitch." You say as he looked at you. "I honestly wish I was the one who gets to killer her. She just runs her mouth a lot and talks all this shit about my cousin." You say as you glanced at Mindy. "You might not be the one to killer her but I mean you'll get to watch her die in a way, right?"

You looked back at him. "I guess." You answered  back. As the two of you looked at each other the train arrived. "Just watch and enjoy, y/n." He said a she walked inside the train leaving you standing there for a second.

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now