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A/n: I edited some grammar mistakes and added more details in.

𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲

It was now October, the month Wayne promised the killings would happen. He said they couldn't do it as soon as they got to New York because they had to do something's before starting, like getting Ethan to be chads roommate.
Quinn also was now y/n's roommate, the plan had worked and everything was now set except that two guys where planning on killing Tara and Sam so they could finish Richie movie, but Wayne and y/n we're gonna take care them first.

"Let me kill him, please." Y/n begged as Wayne started to put Jason's friend Greg's head in the fridge. Wayne sighted as he nodded.
"What? Did you wanna kill him or something?" Wayne rolled his eyes as he looked at her and closed the fridge. "No, ill let you have this one too, kid. I'll just do the calling." He said which made y/n smile. "Thanks, Wayne." She said as he smiled at her. "Go hide now, he'll be here any moment." Y/n nodded and quickly went to hide.

Moments later the front door opened where Jason walked in. "Honey, I'm home." He sarcastically said out loud as he shuts the door. "Greg?" He says after not getting a response.
He quickly makes his way towards a closet as he takes some keys out. "Greg" he calls out again as he unlocks the closet door. He then opens both doors where he has two ghost face masks on a mannequin head,
he then pulls out another one from his backpack and puts it on the emptied one. After that he closes it up and locks it, he then goes to wash his hands with lots of soap to get the left over blood from his killing that he had just done moments ago.

After he was done he was about to open the fridge until his phone ringed making him take his hand off the fridge handle. He quickly looked at his phone and it said it was his friend Greg, so he answered it. "I'm sorry, okay.. i-I just got massive blue ball and I had to practice. Please don't be mad." Jason said over the phone. "Oh, I'm not mad Jason." Wayne said talking with the ghost face voice. "Dude we said we wouldn't use the voice on each other." Jason quickly said.
"We said a lot of things." Ghost face said.

"This is Greg, right?" Jason asks double checking to make sure it's his friend which made ghostface chuckle. "Who else would it be?" He said. "Where are you? I wanna tell you about it." Jason said as he walked towards a counter where there was tequila. "Oh by the way we should go to that frat party. Taras going." He said as he poured himself a shot of tequila. "What was it like?" Ghost face asked, referring to the killing Jason just did.

Y/n's pov.

I was getting really impatient as I heard Jason talking on the phone with Wayne. I wanted to kill him so bad, he owed me 40 bucks after he promised he would pay me back for that weed I gave him. It wasn't just because he owed me money it was also because we had to kill him before he killed sam and Tara.

I quickly left my thoughts as my phone buzzed. It was Wayne telling me to get ready. I quickly put the mask on and quietly got out of my hiding spot. I made my way to the kitchen where Jason has his back faced to me. He was opening the fridge. "Oh fuck." He said as he saw Greg's chopped up head and hands.
I quickly stabbed his back as he yelled and turned back to look at me.

I pushed him toward the fridge as he yelled.
"Do you feel like an animal, Jason." I asked before I repeated stabbed him in the stomach. I watched as he yelled in pain and his intestines started to fall out. "Please, stop." He begged. The more he begged for me to stop the more I kept on stabbing him. Greg eventually fell over, I looked down at him as he looked up at me. "But we have to finish the movie." He said as blood poured out of his mouth. "Who gives a fuck about movies." I said as I raised my knife and slit his throat which immediately killed him. After he was dead Wayne came out.

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now