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The door was roughly pushed opened making you fall back. Your hand immediately went straight to your nose. You felt a suddenly sharp pain making you groan into the palm of your hand.

Mean while Chad and Tara both stared up in fear. The killer was standing in the door way. Staring you down. He wasn't doing anything. He was just standing there.

Chad yelled at you when he noticed the killer slightly about to raise his arm. "Y/N WATCH OUT!"

You quickly looked up. Seeing the killer about to lunge at you with his knife. Confusion came over you but you had to defend yourself so you kicked him right in the face making him fall back.

Chad ran over to you and grabbed you by your arm to pick you up. He saw a glance of your face. Seeing the blood dripping from your face from the door.

"What the fuck!" You yelled as Chad pulled you back . He only assumed you were mad because of your face, but in reality you were actually mad at the fact that you were attacked. It wasn't part of the plan.

"GUYS!" Tara yelled. You and chad both look at her. Chad still had his hand on your arm. Tara had her hand pointing towards the door as you two quickly looked over. The killer was slowly beginning to stand up. "Fuck." Chad whispered to himself.

You nervously let out a shaky breath . "You and Tara make a run for it." He said. "What?!" You questioned. Chad looked over at you with a small smile. You could see that he was obviously afraid but he was trying to hide it.

"You two matter more. Now get the fuck out of here, y/n." He said. You grabbed his hand and tightly squeezed it before giving him a small weak smile.

You let go of him before walking over to Tara. Now Chad was left alone. The killer looked right at him. Chad standing there, with no weapon but the things surrounding him.

the killer ran towards chad. He swung his knife at him but he dodged it. He lunged at him a couple more times. Chad threw a couple of punches but they weren't good enough to knock the killer down.

Tara saw him struggling. "We have to do something." Tara told you. She tried to go over there but you held her back. It wasn't because you didn't want her to her killed. It was because you were the one who wanted to kill her.

"Don't." You said as you tightly held her arm. You looked over at the wall and noticed a big picture frame. Tara followed your eyes before looking back at you.

You didn't bother looking at her before you let go of her arm and quickly walking over to the frame. You quickly pulled it off the wall and glanced over the Chad.

He threw a punch at the killer as he finally stumbled back. That was your opportunity. You quickly ran to him and smashed the frame right In his head. He fell down completely.

"Fuck yeah!" Chad yelled in excitement. "Cmon on!" He yelled at you two. Tara quickly ran for it. You and Chad followed behind her.

You three were now back into the theater room. You didn't see any sight of Kirby or Sam.
"Guys!" You heard a voice yell from up the stage. It was Sam. She quickly ran down the stairs and towards the three of you. "Sam, he's here." Tara cried to her as Sam hugged her.

You looked at Tara. You slightly rolled your eyes at her. She always had something to cry about. And it wasn't like she was the one who was just targeted.

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now