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Kirby and detective Bailey had came up with a plan. Which was to track the killer's location when he called Sam or Tara's phone.

You hated to admit it but honestly it was a great ideas that you never really thought about. If you were the only killer this was probably the part where you were caught.
So since Bailey was the one who thought of the idea you knew everything was under control.

Like you had said, it didn't work out....  Every little plan they made never worked because Bailey was the one who would suggest them, so obviously he was just setting them up for failure.

The killer was actually at gale's apartment where she was stabbed, but to bad for her boyfriend he didn't make it.

You all rushed over to gale's apartment. Everyone all sat in the lobby of the building as you all tried to processes what had just happened. You looked around as you saw cops come in and out of the building. When suddenly Sam's boyfriend Danny rushed in running from the lobby's main doors.

"I got here as soon as I could." He said as he slowly tried to catch his breath. You look at him then at Sam who you could tell has some suspicion but she didn't want to think to much of it.

"Did you really?" Tara asked as she crossed her arms. Sam eyes Danny and then she looked at all of you. "Im scared. I don't want to get hurt again." Mindy suddenly says making you quickly look at her.

"Neither do I." Chad added which made you look over at Ethan who stood across from you. He gave you a small smirk. That familiar smirk, which meant he was thinking of something.

You stared at him for a second more then looked back at Chad. "What do we do?" He asked Sam.
Sam had a scared expression as she looked at all of us. "Maybe he gets to win this time." She said.

"What?" You said confused. "He wants to punish me....me. Maybe just let him. "She said as you all looked at her confused. "You want give up?" You questioned. Sam looked at you.

"Everyone thinks I'm this terrible person . Maybe they're right." She said as she looked over at Tara now. "You said it. it's not like I have a plan for my life anyways. If this is what I need to do to keep you all safe.... Then it's worth it."

"Sam, no. Fuck that." Tara said as she suddenly took Sam's hand in hers. You slightly rolled your eyes as you looked down at your Apple Watch.
You saw you had messages from Quinn asking what was getting killed next. You slowly scrolled through the messages when you got a feeling of someone staring at you.

You looked up and saw Danny standing next to Sam.  The two of you connected eyes, so you gave him a warm smile. He didn't smile back.
Him staring at you made you want him to be dead. You hated when people started at you.

You looked away and gave your attention back to sam and Tara. You saw Chad hand his phone over to Tara and she called someone.

You honestly were so confused in what was even happening so you walked next to Ethan. He kept his attention to Sam and Tara. When suddenly he puts his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him.

"We need to trap him. We need to lure him into a secure area and trap him inside like a killbox." Tara said which made you look back at her "And then what?" The person on the phone said. It was Bailey, you recognized his voice.

"So are you gonna help us?" Tara questioned as she exchanged looks with Sam. There was short silence.
"Yes. Let's kill that son of a bitch."  Bailey said over the phone. Everyone exchanged looks.

"I'm stuck here, but gale gave us the keycards to the theater; it had heavy security and surveillance cameras, we can use that against him. I'll get Kirby to meet you there and join you as soon as I can." Bailey added. "Got it." Tara said.

"Travel in public. Remember, the more people around you, the less of a chance he can take a shot at you before you get here." He said before hanging up.

Sam and Tara began to talking to the twins while you looked at Ethan. "Traveling publicly?" You whispered. He looked down at you with a small nod. You then realized he suggested that because Bailey probably was making Quinn attack someone there. You wondered who was gonna be next.

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now