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Sam had gotten her arm away from Ethan's grip. With her nails she scratched Ethan in the face. A Loud yell came from him. The sudden burning sensation on his face was enough to set him off.

He roughly grabbed her by the face throwing her on the ground. A small groan left Sam's lip. Her eyes quickly spotted Ethan's knife on the side. Her hand reached for it, but then Ethan's noticed and kicked it away.

While Sam and Ethan fought each other. You and Quinn shoved each other out of the way. Quinn wanted to be the first one to get up there. Even after killing Danny she still didn't feel satisfied enough.

"Move!" You angrily said, shoving her on her side. "No, fuck you!" She pushed you back. You both push each other back-and-forth for a good minute until you heard Ethan yell out again. "God damnit, y/n! This isn't a joke." She shoved you again." You let out a laugh as she ran up the stairs and you followed behind her.

Making it to the top you two came across Seeing Sam on top of Ethan; his knife in her hand. Next thing you know she stabbed him. A Loud painful yell came from Ethan. Seeing all that was enough to make you go crazy. Rage filled your body, before Quinn could go help her own brother you pushed her out the way and Quickly ran towards Sam. Before she could stab him a second time you pulled her by her hair. Catching her off guard making her drop the knife to the floor.

You pulled her back, Making her fall on her back. You then got on top of her. Grabbing her by her head and roughly slamming it on the ground. Sam's then suddenly started to hear a loud ringing noise coming from her ears.

She rapidly blinked to take the blurry image out of her eyes. Her eyes then met yours. You looked so angry. Not a common mood anyone ever saw you in. You usually had that "nice innocent girl look"

Before Sam could process anything else, your hands wrapped itself around her throat and squeezed it, cutting the oxygen from Sam's lungs.

Sam wrapped her hands around your wrist. Trying to pull your hands off her. There was no use in that because your grip tightened even More. Her eyes closed, from trying to avoid looking at the smirk you had in your face.

Sam closed her eyes. When she did for a second all she could hear was a ringing sound until it turned to her dads voice. He kept on yelling at her to get up and fight you back. Her eyes tightened shut even more. She was trying to make the voices away.

The more she tightened her eyes shut the more his yells to her got louder. A sudden wave of energy came to Sam. Letting go of your wrist, she quickly punched you on the side of your face. Since she was weak from not having air, her punch barely affected you.

Another smile appeared on your face. Seeing Sam almost turn purple made you squeeze your hands even tighter on her throat. While your eyes just focused on Sam's face, with the free hand she had removed from your wrist. She patted her hand done on the ground to feel for any objects to hit you with.

Her eyes began to get blurry from the tears that started to pour out. When she suddenly felt a big squared rock, it was a brick. Her hand wrapped around it. She then roughly smashed it on your heard. The pointy part of the brick smashed roughly against your eyelid. Making you cry out in pain.

Quinn leaned on the door way, watching the whole thing play out. She watched you choke sam. So there wasn't really any use for her to help you, until... Sam smashed that brick in your face. Quinn suddenly stood up straight.

Your grip on her throat loosened. Both hands covered your right eye. Giving Sam a chance to push you off her. Ethan seeing what she did, made him suddenly heal from the stab. He quickly got up and picked up his knife. Sam was still sitting on the floor gasping for air. While you covered your eye in pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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