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It was now night time and we where all at Sam's and Tara's apartment. Sam wanted all of us to be together since she was so afraid that the killer was gonna strike any time.

I sat in the living room with Anika while Sam, Tara, Mindy and Chad where setting up the dinner table.

I was reading a book when I took notice the Anika get looking at me. I look up from my book as I catched her looking at me. She then quickly looked away and pretended to be reading as well. "I know you're not reading...... You're still seriously convinced I'm the killer?" I said as she looked up at me again.

"I would never hurt my friends. Physically or mentally. I don't even have a motive on killing.... I mean yeah my ex boyfriend was murdered last year but that doesn't mean I'm gonna kill, my friends for that. It wasn't their fault he was murdered." I said as I placed my book on the coffee table. Anika just gave me this look as she looked at me. It wasn't a hateful look it was a look that showed that she felt bad.

"Sorry about your boyfriend. Maybe I was to quick to judge." Anika said. "Mmh, it's cool. I'll pretend like you never accused me of murder." I said as I grabbed the tv remote and turned the tv on. When I turned it on, it was on the news.

"What the hell?" I heard anika say as we both looked st the tv. "Guys look." Anika yelled. I look back and see Sam, Tara and Mindy and Chad walk to the living room. I give my attention back to the tv as the reporter spoke.

"... that the prime suspect none other than Samantha carpenter, one of the survivors of the woodsboro killing in 2022, seen here attacking a women in the streets." The report man said as they proceeded to show a video of Sam attacking trying to fight a girl.

Sam then snacked the remote out to my hand and turned the tv off. I then looked at her and watched her go to the dinner table and sit down. I look over at chad and Mindy as they both looked at me. Tara then walked over to Sam.

There was an awkward silence between all of us while Sam's and Tara spoke. Suddenly chad and Mindy went to join them but I continue to stay seated on the couch.
Anika then looks at me. "You're not going with them?" She asked confused. I then look at her with a serious look. "No, why would I?" I said and she gave me a confused expression and looked away from me.

I then grab my book again and start reading it. Two minutes later everyone's phone buzzed. I proceeded to grab my phone from my back pocket and look at it. It was a picture of Quinn getting attacked by ghost face. I quickly stand up and look at my friends sitting down. "Did everyone get what I got?" I questioned with a hint of panic on my voice. Obviously acting.

Everyone looks at me and they quickly stand up. As they did Quinn began to scream from her room. We all ran towards her bedroom door.
We all stare at the door frozen as Quinn's screams stopped.

I then proceeded to slowly walk towards the door until come one grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I look back at them and it was chad. "Run." Mindy said as the door suddenly barged open, I saw Quinn's body being thrown at Anika and she fell back as Quinn's body fell of her.

I looked down at Anika scream as Sam took Quinn's body off her. "Guys cmon!" I heard Tara scream as she and Chad ran out the front door.  Mindy then looks at me and the killer. "Y/N MOVE YOU STUPID BITCH!" Mindy yelled at me as I gave her a confused look. I then quickly realized and look at the killer as he ran towards me and pushed me back.

I fell to the ground and hit my head. I slowly lift my head up as I see ghost-face slice mindys arm, she yelled as she grabbed her arm. I was to focused on mindy bleeding that I didn't see Anika being pushed against the wall by the killer.
This wasn't supposed to happen. I knew it was Ethan behind the mask, but i specifically told him to back off Anika. He isn't supposed to kill her. I wanted to kill her.

I then watched as he stabbed his knife in her stomach and she screamed in pain. I then quickly stand up and try to look for a weapon to help Anika. "HEY!" I heard Sam yell, I then see Sam run up to the killer and she hits him in the head with a knife holder.

I watched him fall back and Anika fell on the ground. Sam and Mindy then grabbed Anika and dragged her to Quinn's room as I followed, but then I was grabbed by the leg, which made me fall forward on my face. The Loud sound of me falling made sam and Mindy look back at me.

They both watched me get dragged away. "Y/n! NO!" Mindy yelled as she tried to grab me. I screamed as ghostface grabbed me by the neck and pulled me up. I looked right at him as he had his hand wrapped around my neck. "What are you doing?!" I whispered not to Loud but loud enough for Ethan to hear. "Sorry." He whispered back as I saw him lift up the knife holder Sam used on him a few seconds ago.
Suddenly everything went completely black.


𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now