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You heard a small noice in the corner so you quickly look over there. You could hardly see who it was but you got a glimpse of blonde hair.
"I know it's you Kirby."you say as you wrapped your hands around the metal poles on the security door.

Kirby slowly walked out the dark corner as she looked at you. "Can you open the door?" You ask as she looked you up and down. She had this look on her face. She was clearly debating if she should or not." Are you serious thinking about it?!" You loudly said.

Kirby slightly shrugged as she walked towards the security door.
"I have my suspicions about you. You rarely talk when we're all together." Kirby said making you confused. "I'm an introvert. I hate being around other it makes me nervous." You quickly say as she rolled her eyes. "Social anxiety is a real thing." You added. Before Kirby could respond to you sam, Tara and Chad walked over to you two.

"Y/n, Where's Mindy and Ethan?" Chad asked noticing you were alone. You gave them a smile of relief while Tara noticed something on your clothes as her eyes slightly widened. "Who's blood is that?" She asked as you frowned and looked down at your shirt.

"It's Mindy's." You quickly said as you looked up at them.
"The train.. On the train ghostface was there and he, he stabbed Mindy." You said as you looked at them

"Where you not with her y/n?" Sam loudly said. Was she really blaming you for this? I mean it was technically your fault. But either way she should be asking about how Mindys doing not blaming you.

"I was! But you know Mindy she thought Ethan was the killer so she refused to stick with us." You answered. "Ethan's with Mindy at the hospital. I don't know if she'll be okay. She lost a lot of blood." You added as you took your hands off the metal poles.

"Can you please let me in now." You say again as they all exchanged looks. Sam looked Kirby  as she nodded at her. Kirby slightly rolled her eyes as she walked up the security doors and unlocked it. She then held the door open for you as you smiled at her as you walked in.

"Thanks " You say to Kirby before looking at your friends. "So what the fuck are we doing now?" You ask.


Kirby already had everything in order. So all everyone had to do was wait for the killer to eventually show up and try to attack.

You, Tara, and Chad were all in the entrance of the theater. You sat on the stairs that leads to the upstairs theater seats.

You typed in your phone as you were responding to Quinn and Ethans messages while Tara and Chad were awkwardly flirting. You rolled your eyes as you glanced at them.

You saw them look at each other. "I actually-" Tara was cut of my Chad pulling her towards him for a kiss. You raised your eyebrows in surprise as stayed quiet and watched them.

They slowly pulled away as you cleared your throat. They both quickly looked at you. "Ugh let's not forget than I'm here." You said in disgust as you stood up from the stair steps.

They moved away from each other as they both got awkward. "You're one to talk, y/n. I caught you on top of your boyfriend." Tara said a she made a kissing face at you.

You rolled your eyes as you walked up to them. You leaned on the snack bar counter. "Nothing happened anyways. You kinda ruined the moment." You added as Chad laughed.

"So is this like official?" You smiled. Chad looked over at tara as she smiled at him. "Yeah." She said with a big smile. You smiled at them knowing this relationship would only last an hour. They both would be dead before it could last longer.

There was a short awkward silence. You stood up straight as you cleared your throat. "Welll, this is awkward.. I'm gonna go with Sam, while I leave you two alone."  You winked as you began to walk towards a door. As you were about to open the door. It was roughly pushed opened hitting you so hard in the face making you stubble back.

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now