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"Y/n?" A male voice says. You quickly turned his way. It was Danny, Sam's boyfriend. You made a face of relive. "Danny.." you whispered before limping towards him. He looked you up and down. Your bloody face surprised him.

"What the fuck happened to you?" He quickly asked. A wave of worry showed him his face. "Wheres Sam?" He asked since you were answering him fast enough.
"Sam? Sam she tried to kill me! She pushed me and Tara off the second floor and she killed Kirby and Chad." You cried. You slowly got closer to him. You grabbed him by both is arms.

You roughly grabbed him. He made a confused face. "No, no. Sam would never." He said. Danny didn't want to believe it. Yeah, he knew what Sam had gone through and who her dad was, but he knew Sam and he knew she would never hurt anyone. especially not her sister.

"No, no. I promise you, Danny. Sam went crazy." You quickly told him. Your grip on both his arm tightened. The tighter they got the more he didn't want to believe your words, but the fear you showed in your face made him think otherwise.

"Y/n, you're hurting my arms." He slowly pulled his Arms back to remove from your grip. You softly apologized. "I couldn't defend them." You whispered. Danny suddenly felt bad. The look of sadness your face showed.

Before he could speak to you again he noticed Tara laying on glass. "Oh god." He whispered to himself. He shoved you out the way to get to Tara.

You let out a small scoff. Him pushing you out of the way made you wish you had killed him when you found out Sam was secretly sleeping with him.

"She's dead." You say as you turned around to face Danny. He was kneeled down next to Tara. She wasn't really dead. She was just knocked out cold.

He looked at you. "I tried to stop her, but she just attacked me. I didn't even know she  was so violent." You say. Danny looks at you. No longer seeing that sadness you just had a second ago. You sniffle as you wipe your nose."Taras dead. They're all dead."

Ethan struggled to keep a hold of Sam. While Quinn hid in the dark. Watching you and Danny. She waited for the perfect moment to sneak up on Danny. She wanted to be the one to kill Danny. Since Sam killed her dad.

Sam began to kick her legs. Trying to knock something over to make Danny be able to hear and know she's there. Ethans grip tightens on her. Sam was strong girl but compared to Ethan she wasn't.

Sam then successfully knocked over a pile of bricks. Making a loud thud sound.
"What was that?" Danny quickly said, standing up. "I don't know." He looked around. You looked around with him. Making it seem like you were clueless as him. Another muffled scream was heard. Danny quickly looked at you.

You both made eye contact. Danny could tell you were nervous about something. He recognized that nervous look. He only recognized it because that was the looks his little sister would make when she would be guilty of something.

You noticed his sudden body language change. You gave him a questionable look. "Y/n, where exactly did Sam go?" You take a small breath. You began to step towards him. Danny slowly steps back. That made you stop walking.

You creased your eyebrows. "I don't know. She ran off. I think she might of freaked when she heard you breaking in." You softly spoke. "My body really fucking hurts and I couldn't run after her." You say. Softly hissing in pain as you grab your thigh.

Danny just stared at you. Debating if he should trust you or not. "You think it's me. Don't you?"
"I didn't say that." Your eyes go from sad to angry. Danny saw that.

"I can't. Acting is so not my thing." You say groaning in annoyance. A wave of confusion hits Danny. "You're right Sam's not the fucking killer. We are." You say.

Quinn appears out of the dark corner. She was behind Danny so he didn't notice her. "We?" He questioned. Quinn slowly got closer to him. Quinn was the sneaky one so she knew how to get around good.

"Don't worry about that. It won't matter in a couple of minutes." He still had that stupid look on his face. Like if he was still confused about the whole thing. "Where's Sam, y/n!" He loudly said. Your eyebrows raised in surprise. You liked when people raised their voice at you. it made you feel some type of way.

"Relax. You won't get to see anytime soon. This is what happens when you involve yourself in a situation that doesn't involve you." You say. Your lack of calmness confused Danny. He thought maybe you would be acting violent and crazy but no. You just stood there talking all nice and softly.

"You look like a nice man, Danny. It would be a shame to kill you off but that's how movies work, right?" You shrug. He then realized you weren't gonna spare him. He had to quickly think of something. "Then don't."

"Sorry, Danny. Can't have witnesses running around." You wink. Quinn then took her knife out. The Sound of a sharp knife was heard, making Danny quickly turn around.

To his surprise he saw Quinn. His eyes widened, but before he would defend himself Quinn repeatedly stabbed him in the chest. The sound of flesh being stabbed filled your ears.

Soon Danny's body collapsed on the ground. You walked towards them both. Looking down at Danny you saw he was still softly breathing. "Ouch, that looks like it's hurts" you smiled to him. He looked up at you, taking his last breaths before he finally died.

"One point for me!" Quinn singed. Your attention shot in at her."Relax, you only have two so far." You say rolling your eyes. "I have five ." You bragged.

A sudden loud crashing sound was heard from the second floor of the theater.  Both your and Quinn's attention switches to the sound.

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now