Chapter 21: Can't We All Just Get Along...?

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7 Months Later

Kayla POV:

I'm 7 months pergenat and I am big I'm having a little girl that I'm gonna protect with my life next week will be my 8th month of being perggo. Rayan has been there with me the entire time I have been stuck on eating alot of pickles and peanut butter jelly mixed in the jar. I have horriable mood swings and I'm suprised I haven't been getting on everybody's nerves by now but hey, I'm the perggo one. I mean yeah I asked for it but if I knew he was sleeping with my best friend I wouldn't want to have it by him even though since he found out I was having a girl he has been doing a lot for her. He trys to flirt with me all the time but Ray is the only one I want right now.

Right, now I'm working with this guy from the West Side his names YG but he isn't really my type plus, he has a girlfriend her name is Jasimin we became close she dosen't like Chyna though cause she tried to flirt with both YG and Her that was rude to all of us cause yo' baby daddy that she gets over on is not even having that. But shit that ain't my bussinse.

"Wake up girly you gotta head to the studio." Kim said. She been watching me too. Layla been staying wih us we actually got full custudy of her since when she went to her 'moms' house she wouldn't even feed my baby. Sad right? I know, but since we got custudy Aug has been around for her as well, we'ev been getting close just not as close as we used to be.

I got up and hopped in the shower did all my hygines and got dressed in some loss fitted sweats and throw on a hoodie, I was gonna be working with Mila today so I really didn't need to get all dressed up for no girl either way it goes. Oh, yeah I'm in my own music too. I do my own music and Q helped me out I thought he would've told me no due to me being perggo but he said if it get to stressful for me then I can just lay low for a lil minute till I can get bac to the studio.

"Aye, Kay do you know if the guys are gonna be back later on tonight or are they goin to be still in the studio headed off for tour." Zendaya asked me. I thought about it they did say they would be back later on today so I guess I'll go with that for now.

"They should be back later if not at least by 7 or 8 o'clock then I'll call them and see where they are." I told her. she nodded then left the room. I'm supposed to be meeting up with August this morning for some things ya' know for the baby he actually is there for now. Not saying he won't be there but just like he swiched out on me for a god damn hoe he can do it again. I don't like bringing up old stuff due to it being at least 8 months old it's still not fair to me on what he did. My mom and dad are still down here to make sure I don't stress so I won't loss this baby but I'm carrying this baby longer then my last one.

I called Rayan's phone to tell him where I'm going. Every since I could actually carry this baby he wants to know everywhere I'm going and what I'm doint he wants me to call him for just about the little things.

He answered on the first ring....

"Hello?" He said he sounded soooo sexy through this phone I could just eat him.

"Hey, I'm 'bout to go have breakfast with Aug. Where are you?" I asked him cause it was hella noise in his background.

"Oh, me I'm at the studio with the guys they thought it was cool to bring weed, and bitches so I'm stuck here until somebody gives me a ride back." He said trying to talk loud. I don't know why but I feel like he was lying to me.

"Oh, well you want me to come pick you up?" I asked just to see what his answer would be.

"NOOO!!!! I just don't want you around this stuff send Kim or Daya down that will be fine." He said quickly.

"Oh, ok, I'll talk to you later then." I said ready to hang up. Dealing with these hormones everything seems to just piss me off and turn me on but right now he is pissing me off.

"Don't be mad at me Kay, I love you." He said trying to patch his mistake up.

"Yeah, me too." I said I'm pissed and he knows it but yet he loves to bother me.

"Oh, your mad so you don't want to say it back that's cold Kay." He said chuckling I didn't see nor heard shit that was funny.

"Yeah, well I have to go I'll call you later." I said with a sigh then hung up. Everything was going so well, I'm starting to think it was me I think that's what it is I'm not gonna stress it though it's whatever for right now.

I headed to my car and push the button to turn it on. I let the car heat up some since it was cold outside and I'm really not supposed to be out cause I'm on bed rest not by doctor but by brothers.

Once I got to IHOP I prepared myself for the cold that I was about to come in contact with. Then, I got out a few mintutes after, I seen August aruging with Adrian in the parking lot. I just walked passed like I didn't just see them. I felt eyes on me so I turned to see them both starting at me.

"Oh, well hello miss. baby-stealer. Bitch I hope you don't think this shit was over cause it's not I will kill you and your unborn child for mines I could care less bitch. Cause she is not yours." I looked at her with a blank face and that just pissed her off. She came running full speed towards me but good thing I was thinking about my stomach then my damn self because that bitch would've cut me. I moved fast as hell out of that spot just in time so her ass fell straight to the ground. That just gave me time to start kicking this bitch she kept trying to get up and I just kept kicking her. I kicked her with everything in me.

"Stop, Kay her hoeing ass ain't worth it." I heard Aug, Ray, and Q? Scream, but that really didn't stop me I just kept kicking this bitch just for trying to kill my unborn and Layla she was strting to get on my nerves. felt somebody pick me up by my waist and tried to pray my hands away from her head.

"Baby girl let that bitch go." I heard my Mommy say I let her go. I looked up just my luck to see fucking Ray standing there. I punched this nigga in his face.

"THAT'S FOR FUCKING LYING TO ME!!!!!" I yelled in his face while he was giving me a fucking death glare. I could care less. I picked my purse up and headed to my car.

"Yo, Kay!!! Ma' wait up." I heard Aug yell behind me trying to run and catch up to me.

"Look, I'm tried I just whooped my ex-best friends ass and I just want to go to sleep ok?" I said turning to face him.

"And you could do that ok? Right after you go to the hospital cause your fucking water just busted......

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