1. In Trouble [V]

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I felt restless as I stood in the shadows between a fence and a couple of large bushes. I tried to stay still and make no sounds while the sun was still setting, the dim light still enough to reveal my position, but the longer I waited, the harder it was to stay calm. I carefully peered around, trying to spot movement in the sidewalks and windows, but the entire neighborhood seemed calm and peaceful, with not a soul around. There were some lights on in the houses near me, but most of the people were glued behind their televisions and computers, not paying attention to what was going on outside in the shadows.

Fuck, I hated waiting... I turned to glare at the largest house in the area. It loomed up ahead, behind a few smaller homes, and surrounded by a tall brick fence. There were still lights on. They were better fucking go to sleep soon... How long had I already stood in my little corner? A fucking hour? More? But it was still early...

I just wanted to kill them already and get the fuck out of this stupid neighborhood.

"They're outside."

I jumped at the sudden voice whispering in my ear, and I quietly hissed my curses, gathering my composure, while another voice replied to him over the radio.

"Then fucking shoot him."

"With this peashooter shit you left me with?"

"You don't have a rifle?"

"I have a fucking nine-millimeter! I told you to give me a rifle, but nooo, I'm just here to watch the fucking house, you said!"

"Fucking shut up!" I hissed into my own microphone. "What are they doing?"

"They..." I heard breathing coming from his end, so he didn't get cut off, but he sure kept us waiting. "Uh... I think they spotted us."

"They fucking what?"

"They... I don't know... They got freaked out by something. They're getting back inside in a rush.... He's locked the door, and... Yeah, he's closing the curtains."

"FUCK! Are you absolutely sure?!"

"Yeah, he's definitely spotted us."


I laughed lightly while pulling my gun out of the holster. Finally, some fucking action...

"Plan B! Plan B! Everyone get into your positions! Get in there fast! We can't let him get away or call the army cunts! Move! MOVE!"

I started running towards the large house up ahead, and I was quickly joined by five more people. There was a big van parked close by, and its the doors opened when we passed it by. Three more guys jumped out and ran after us, two of them carrying ladders.

At least we had a plan B... I peered at a taller apartment building in the distance where our watcher guy, Thomas, was hiding. Who was the absolute fucking moron who decided not to give a sniper rifle to that one guy who had the perfect view of the whole house and its yard? This was already going so fucking well...

We reached the fence, and the guys hurried to get the ladders ready for the rest of us. I let a few of them climb up first in case our target was waiting to blow our heads off on the other side. When nothing happened, and the guys got safely into his yard, I followed them. After dropping down, I hurried behind large bushes and peered at the house while I waited for the rest.

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